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Новости от TheMoneytizer

I left the Democrat Party and will do all I can to return Donald Trump to the White House

This morning, I had the privilege of visiting Arlington Cemetery with President Trump and the Gold Star families of SSG Hoover and SGT Gee, two of the thirteen servicemembers who were killed in the attack at Abbey Gate in Kabul three years ago today.

Being there with President Trump, honoring the lives of those who sacrificed all, I saw firsthand the sorrow he shared with the families left behind, expressing his sincere appreciation the sacrifices made by their loved ones, our brothers and sisters, who paid the ultimate price.

This is personal for me. My first deployment to Iraq was with the Hawaii Army National Guard in 2005 where I served in a medical unit, every day confronted with the high cost of war. We lost so many of our brothers and sisters who never made that long trip home, and others who did come home, only to lose them to suicide.

President Trump understands the grave responsibility that our President and Commander in Chief has for us and our families, and values the lives of every one of us -- Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, Marines and Coasties. He knows the cost of war. It's not just lip service.  During his first term as President, he not only didn't start any new wars, he took action to de-escalate tensions and prevent conflict. He understands the cost of war and has shown he will exhaust all measures of diplomacy, having the courage to meet with adversaries, dictators and allies alike in the pursuit of peace, seeing war as a last resort.


The same cannot be said about Kamala Harris. In fact, the opposite is true. The Harris-Biden administration has us embroiled in multiple wars around the world and closer to nuclear war now than ever before.

This is one of the main reasons I left the Democrat party, and will do all I can to elect Donald Trump to the presidency where I am confident he will walk us back from the brink of war and put us on a path toward peace, freedom and prosperity.


We cannot be prosperous unless we are at peace. And we cannot live free, so long as we have a government that retaliates against its political opponents, undermines our civil liberties, and weaponizes the powers of the government against those they deem a threat. Kamala Harris has shown over the last three and a half years that she will not hesitate to abuse her power to go after political opponents, foremost among them being President Trump. I am their most recent target -- they recently placed me on a secret domestic terror watch list for exposing the truth about Kamala Harris's disastrous record.

We must reject this anti-freedom culture of political retaliation. It goes against who we are and the principles our country was founded upon.

We cannot allow our country to be destroyed by politicians who put their own power ahead of the interests of the American people and our country.

Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Independent, if you love our country, and cherish peace and freedom, I urge all Americans to join me in doing all we can to save our country and return President Trump to the White House.


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