India’s T20I special batter Suryakumar Yadav expressed his desire to make a comeback in the Test squad before the upcoming Test season. Surya is insisting to establish himself in the Test format once again as the series against Bangladesh, New Zealand and Australia are lined up one after other. Surya made his Test debut for India in Border Gavaskar Trophy in February 2023. Though, he only got limited opportunities in the match, as he scored 8 runs in 20 balls before getting dismissed. Since then, Surya has not been taken for a Test selection.
Even after being removed from the ODIs since his appointment as the T20I captain, Surya is still a potential player to return to Test cricket.
However, Surya faces hard competition from Sarfaraz Khan and Dhruv Jurel, who both have given impressive outcomes in their limited opportunities in Test cricket.
Surya embraces the competition and believes that they deserve a place in the Indian Test before him who have performed well.
“There are a lot of players who have worked hard to earn their place in the Test squad. Even I want to earn a place in that Test squad. After I made my debut for India in Tests, I got injured. A lot of players who got opportunities have done well. Those are the players who deserve the opportunity right now,” said Suryakumar.
Surya also told about playing Test cricket for India again. However he also clarified that the selection process is not in his control by any sort and that he should focus on his own performance.
“Going forward, if I have to play, that is not in my control. What is in my control right now is to play this tournament (Buchi Babu), go on to play the Duleep Trophy, and then we will see what happens,” Suryakumar Yadav added.
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