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UNIPARTY Attempting to Destroy MAGA in Texas, Michigan, Florida, South Carolina, Colorado, Missouri, Etc. Inbox

Guest post by Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com – republished with permission

GOP RINOs are doing all they can to destroy MAGA in their states.

We’ve seen this since President Trump came on the scene. RINOs like then-Speaker Paul Ryan were behind the scenes working with the Deep State to destroy President Trump. Ryan was intimately involved in the Russia Collusion lie because he wanted President Trump gone.

We Now Can Confirm Corrupt Lying Establishment RINO Paul Ryan Was in on Russiagate (VIDEO)

The attack from RINOs against President Trump and America has never stopped. These people hate America and love power. They treat Americans like they know best and the rest of the country is insignificant. This leads to the conglomeration of RINOs and communist Democrats being referred to as the Uniparty.

We saw RINOs at work in Texas as they tried to remove the best state attorney general in the country last year. Paxton fought back and won. Now he’s going after the RINOs.

Texas AG Ken Paxton Going After All the RINOS Destroying the State of Texas


On Saturday in Michigan at the GOP Convention Karamo was exited out of the building. She had every right to be there. This is how RINOs treat MAGA supporters.

In Florida this past week, grassroots MAGA Republicans lost in primaries where mail-in ballots were dropped at the last minute.

(Note that the MAGA Republicans are Trump’s base and a supermajority in the GOP. Any results where they don’t win are questionable.)

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Florida GOP Conservatives Question Primary Results – Here’s What You Can Do

In South Carolina over the weekend, more anti-MAGA establishment corruption occurred. MAGA Republican Keith Blandford reported:

So the establishment was truly terrible yesterday. They blocked our motions and resolutions to force them to recognize the RNC decision for reinstatement. They blocked my nomination as an elector. And they placed a RINO as 3rd vice chair without anyone in the State voting for them. It was a very bad day.

MAGA Republican Ron Hanks in Colorado, shared the following with us:

As detailed in the article regarding the removal of Karamo, there is an effort this very day to remove the Colorado GOP elected officials and put in the retread RINOs.

It is outside of the rules, and illegitimate, but it is succeeding so far. At this unauthorized meeting they have made quorum, changed rules and voted out the secretary. They are currently working to remove the vice chair, and will then remove the chair. All three of those elected officials are MAGA.

What is transpiring should not hold up in a court of law, but it could, given the weaponization.

Trump had an opportunity to get some very solid allies in the US House. Mike Johnson snuck in and has 3 very anti-Trump candidates in 4 of the congressional races Republicans might win. They may only win 2, possibly 3, if elections are not manipulated beyond credulity of the low-information public.

If Trump wins, he will have little to no support from the Colorado delegation.

In Missouri, more of the same after state RINOs attempted to remove the MAGA delegation from the GOP Convention. (More to come on more recent events.)

Missouri Grassroots Conservative Delegates Win! Will Be Going to RNC After Overcoming RINO Devilry

This is happening in every county in every state across the nation. A friend shared the following:

How better to win: Bottom up and top down. We’ve been battling valiantly and successfully to win from the bottom up – akin to storming the beach at Normandy. Sadly, to date, we haven’t had the help from the top down (air power). That has blunted our success and caused some loss of ground painfully won.

But the tables do turn, I know (and hope). The weeks ahead will outrage Americans and a lot (not all) of apathy will fade.

God Bless America.

The post UNIPARTY Attempting to Destroy MAGA in Texas, Michigan, Florida, South Carolina, Colorado, Missouri, Etc. Inbox appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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