Mutations of the SNF2 family ATPase HELLS and its activator CDCA7 cause immunodeficiency, centromeric instability, and facial anomalies syndrome, characterized by DNA hypomethylation at heterochromatin. It remains unclear why CDCA7-HELLS is the sole nucleosome remodeling complex whose deficiency abrogates the maintenance of DNA methylation. We here identify the unique zinc-finger domain of CDCA7 as an evolutionarily conserved hemimethylation-sensing zinc finger (HMZF) domain. Cryo–electron microscopy structural analysis of the CDCA7-nucleosome complex reveals that the HMZF domain can recognize hemimethylated CpG in the outward-facing DNA major groove within the nucleosome core particle, whereas UHRF1, the critical activator of the maintenance methyltransferase DNMT1, cannot. CDCA7 recruits HELLS to hemimethylated chromatin and facilitates UHRF1-mediated H3 ubiquitylation associated with replication-uncoupled maintenance DNA methylation. We propose that the CDCA7-HELLS nucleosome remodeling complex assists the maintenance of DNA methylation on chromatin by sensing hemimethylated CpG that is otherwise inaccessible to UHRF1 and DNMT1.
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