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Northwestern University Announces Programs on Antisemitism, Islamophobia After Backlash Over Encampment Response

Northwestern University president Michael Schill looks on during a US House Education and the Workforce Committee hearing on anti-Israel protests on college campuses, on Capitol Hill in Washington, US, May 23, 2024. Photo: REUTERS/Amanda Andrade-Rhoades

Northwestern University in Illinois has announced the creation of new educational programs on antisemitism, Islamophobia, and the Middle East, initiatives it hopes will cool a scorching campus climate.

In a message to the school community President Michael Schill said the programs include one on “religious literacy,” the aim of which is an “integration of antisemitism and Islamophobia.” It will be led by the Institutional Diversity and Inclusion Office. Other programs which focus exclusively on antisemitism will be mandatory for all new and returning students. Additionally, the university will host a series of lectures on both antisemitism and Islamophobia, as well as “the history and politics of the conflict in the Middle East.”

Schill addressed the conflagrations of last academic year, in which pro-Hamas demonstrators vandalized memorials to victims of the terrorist group’s Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel, threatened to assault Jewish students, and occupied the Deering Meadow section of campus with a “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” and refused to leave unless officials launched a boycott of Israel.

“We need to ensure every member of our community feels safe. Activities that lead to intimidation and impede an environment where dialogue and education can flourish cannot occur again,” Schill said. “Free expression and academic freedom are the lifeblood of our university, but they must not be used as an excuse for behavior that threatens the core of our mission — a search for enlightenment and knowledge. There is no room on our campus for antisemitism; there is no room for Islamophobia; there is no room for racism and other forms of identity-based hate. Northwestern will not tolerate behavior or speech that harms members of our community.”

Schill added that updates to the school’s disciplinary code are forthcoming.

Northwestern University has struggled to correct an impression that it coddled pro-Hamas protesters and acceded to their demands for a boycott of Israel in exchange for an end to their May encampment. Schill denied during a US congressional hearing held in the spring that he caved. However, critics noted, as part of the deal to end the encampment, Schill agreed to establish a scholarship for Palestinian undergraduates, contact potential employers of students who caused recent campus disruptions to insist on their being hired, create a segregated dormitory hall that will be occupied exclusively by Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) and Muslim students, and form a new advisory committee in which anti-Zionists students and faculty may wield an outsized voice.

Following Schill’s testimony before Congress, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called for his resignation, citing the agreement and his confessing to appointing accused antisemites to a task force on antisemitism that ultimately disbanded after its members could not agree on a definition of antisemitism.

In July, a Jewish civil rights group implored Schill to “nullify” the agreement, calling it an “outrageous capitulation to accommodate the demands of antisemitic agitators — who openly espoused vicious antisemitism, assaulted, spat on, and stalked Jewish students and engaged in numerous violations of Northwestern’s codes and policies.”

It added, “Accordingly, this purported agreement not only unlawfully rewards antisemitism but has severely and perhaps irreparably damaged Northwestern’s reputation, but it has also exposed Northwestern to potential liability and jeopardizes it access to federal and state funds.”

Writing in a column published in The Chicago Tribune in May, Schill defended the claims by arguing that the deal struck with anti-Israel activists precluded the possibility of boycotting Israel.

“This resolution — fragile though it might be — was possible because we chose to see our students not as a mob but as young people who are in the process of learning,” Schill wrote. “It was possible because we tried respectful dialogue rather than force. And it was possible because we sought to follow a set of principles, many of which I would argue are core to the tenets of Judaism.”

Follow Dion J. Pierre @DionJPierre.

The post Northwestern University Announces Programs on Antisemitism, Islamophobia After Backlash Over Encampment Response first appeared on Algemeiner.com.

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