It’s almost spooky season, but fall handbag prices are already scary. Thankfully, the RealReal is back with its annual report on which bags hold the most resale value, handy information to have as you shop even if you’re not in the income bracket to buy a Birkin or a Chanel flap bag.
So which handbags are selling at the best prices right now? The RealReal declares The Row’s Margaux “the it bag of 2024.” The bag is so in demand that it’s selling for an average of 15 percent above its retail price (which can range from around $3,500 to $6,800). However, that’s still nothing compared to the Hermès Kelly, which is reselling for a whopping 50 percent above its retail price (starting around $9,000). Another in-demand style is the Chanel Mini 22 Hobo, which the RealReal says is also reselling for 20 percent more than its original price (around $5,000).
Meanwhile, other designer bags are reselling for almost their full original price, including the Bottega Veneta Andiamo (up to 95 percent of the original price, upwards of $4,500), the Polène Numéro Dix (on average 92 percent of the original price, around $600), and the Toteme T-Lock (on average 85 percent of the original price, which starts around $1,000).
The RealReal also called out a few other bags that have seen a surge in searches and resale value, including the Loewe Puzzle, the Savette Pochette, Alaïa’s Teckel, and, surprisingly, the Mulberry Alexa — the brand’s signature briefcase-style satchel named after Alexa Chung that originally debuted in 2010. If you have one stashed in your closet somewhere, maybe now is the time to dig it back out.