Leading airline IndiGo on Wednesday said it will contest two orders imposing penalties totalling Rs 3,50,299 on the company in relation to input tax credit.
In Odisha, a penalty of Rs 1,77,046 was imposed on the company related to Goods and Services Tax (GST).
"The appellate authority has rejected the appeal filed by the company and upheld demand on account of availment of input tax credit for FY 2017-18," InterGlobe Aviation, the parent of IndiGo, said in a regulatory filing.
According to the filing, IndiGo is in the process of contesting the appeal order before the appellate tribunal.
Separately, in Kerala, the company is facing a penalty of Rs 1,73,253, with the filing saying "the tax officer has denied input tax credit availed and has raised a demand on the company".
In this case, the company said it is in the process of contesting the orders before the appropriate appellate authority.