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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Unspoilt Greek island where locals go on holiday has 40-beaches and Santorini-like churches

THERE’s a little-known Greek island where only the locals go on holiday, with Santorini-like churches and stunning beaches.

Places like Santorini and Mykonos have become popular spots with tourists, but both can be expensive and overcrowded as a result.

Serifos sits near Paros as well as Santorini, but is much less visited than Greece’s more well-known isles[/caption]
The architecture on the island resembles the famous white-washed houses on Santorini[/caption]
There are thought to be 40 recognised beaches on the island[/caption]

However, not far from Santorini is a lesser-known spot that boasts similar architecture and natural beauty, while remaining “unchanged” by tourists.

The island of Serifos sits near Paros as well as Santorini, but is much less visited than Greece’s more well-known isles.

Local website Greek Travel explains that there are “few tourists” on the island, meaning it’ll be a lot less crowded compared to the likes of Santorini, Zante, Corfu and Mykonos.


Described as a “hidden gem” by Discover Greece, the island is famous for its Santorini-like houses and pristine beaches.

Part of the Cyclades island group, Serifos remains largely unchanged with its whitewashed houses perching on the cliffs.

There are four villages on the island, including Chora, which is the island’s capital.

Other villages on the island include Livadi (the main port), Megalo Livadi (a seaside village) and Koutalas (a seaside port), each home to Santorini-like buildings.

There are said to be 40 recognised beaches on the island, with the highlights including: Lia, Koutalas, Vagia, Ganema, Kalo Ambeli, Psili Ammos and Sykamia.

Other attractions on Serifos include the Mining Museum, an open-air museum that gives visitors an insight into the island’s history.

There’s also the Monastery of the Taxiarches, which is said to look more like a medieval castle thanks to its battlements and high walls.

The hilltop monastery was built in the 16th century and is said to be one of the island’s best viewpoints.

Other hidden gem attractions include Cyclops’s throne, a cluster of rocks that’s said to look like a giant armchair.

Set in Cape Kyklopas, not only do the seven boulders look like they the perfect seat for a giant but they also have great panoramic views.

For other viewpoints, there’s also the path between the Heliport and Hora.


Hotels on the island are relatively affordable, with overnight stays starting from as little as £30 per person, based on two people sharing a room.

Entire villas can be purchased from £150 per person, per night, based on two people sharing a room.

Direct ferry services operate between Piraeus Port in Athens and Serifos.

Journeys can take anywhere between two to four hours, depending on the speed of the ferry, with one-way fares starting from £33 per person.

Direct flights operate to Athens from UK cities like London, Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester, Edinburgh and Newcastle, with return fares from £100 in September.

Ferry services also operate from other islands, including Milos, Sifnos and Kythnos.

Three little-known Greek islands to visit

There are plenty of Greek islands to visit, including several little-known spots that are free from the crowds.

  1. Located in the Dodecanese Sea, Symi is a fairytale-like island home to traditional Greek villages and harbour-front bars and cafes. Reaching the tiny island became a lot more accessible after Jet2 announced the launch of a new route from the UK.
  2. Despite being twice the size of Mykonos, Tinos is often overlooked by most holidaymakers. But holiday demand for the island is predicted to grow thanks local food and sandy beaches.
  3. Meanwhile, the island of Paros has a wave of chic new hotels opening. The island has its own airport – making it much easier to visit than some other smaller islands in Greece that can only be accessed by ferry.

If you don’t want to go this far, then a beautiful UK seaside town has been compared to a Greek island.

And another seaside town in the UK is also home to dolphins, whales and puffins, as well as amazing castles.

Serifos is a two-hour ferry ride from Athens[/caption]
There island has been described as a hidden gem[/caption]

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