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Bill would incentivize ERs to become abortion businesses


Just when you think the state of California couldn’t possibly pass more laws hostile to preborn humans, legislators surprise you with three more bills aimed at protecting the direct and intentional killing of preborn children.

Turning ERs into abortion centers
AB 2490, “Reproductive Health Emergency Preparedness Program,” would create an incentivized training program for emergency room medical professionals to learn how to commit abortions. Essentially, this bill aims to turn emergency rooms into abortion facilities, and holds a competition to see which emergency department most achieves this goal.

According to the bill’s text, it “shall work to improve and expand access to the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health care in California’s emergency departments, including abortion and full-spectrum miscarriage care in emergency departments choosing to provide these services.” In addition, funds would be given “to increase access to timely, evidence-based treatments of pregnancy loss and miscarriage, contraception, emergency contraception, and medical and surgical abortion.”

Furthermore, grants would be awarded to emergency departments “on a competitive basis.” Departments would create minimum standards for awarding grants that “take into consideration efforts identified to increase access to reproductive and sexual health care in emergency departments.” Grants may be used for “piloting the delivery of” the abortion pill in ERs.

The abortion pill is not the standard of care for miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies and can be very dangerous for a woman with an ectopic pregnancy.

Induced abortion — the direct and intentional killing of preborn babies — is not medically necessary even to save a woman’s life. If a woman’s life is in danger and her pregnancy must end, induced preterm delivery and emergency C-sections are not considered induced abortions because they do not involve the intentional killing the child before delivery, nor the intent to simply leave the child to die without appropriate medical care.

If ER doctors are to be properly trained on how to save pregnant women in emergency situations, they should be learning how to safely deliver the woman’s baby and save both lives — not how to kill her child.

Making it easier to build more abortion facilities
AB 2085, “Planning and zoning: permitted use: community clinic” makes it more difficult for local California communities to reject the construction of new abortion businesses.

The proposed bill requires local governments to approve applications for the development of community clinics that provide reproductive health services, including abortions, without discretionary review if they meet certain criteria.

Pro-life organizations argue that the bill disregards the wishes of communities like that of Fontana, California, where hundreds of pro-life activists gathered in June 2023 to protest a proposed Planned Parenthood. The Fontana City Council recently voted to extend its ban on construction in the area of the proposed facility for another year.

Greg Burt, Vice President of California Family Council (CFC), said, “AB 2085 is a direct assault on the ability of local communities to govern themselves and uphold their values. It prioritizes the abortion industry over the rights and concerns of local citizens. This is not just about zoning laws; it’s about preserving the integrity and autonomy of our communities.”

Funding abortion misinformation campaign
AB 2670, “Awareness campaign: abortion services,” would use public taxpayer funding to raise awareness for the state’s pro-abortion website, “abortion.ca.gov,” which indirectly targets pregnancy help centers (which offer tangible resources and aid for women and families and do not commit or refer for abortions) as “fake” or “unsafe.”

The funds would pay to ensure the website is publicized to the general public, healthcare providers, healthcare professional associations and societies, healthcare employees, local public health officers, and local health departments. It details how to get an abortion and attempts to describe how different abortion procedures are carried out without informing women what happens to their preborn babies during each procedure. It also advises women on traveling to California for abortion and tells them how to secure abortion funding.

What it fails to do is provide pregnancy and parenting support to women and families who desire resources to help them embrace life for their babies — things that the allegedly “fake” pregnancy centers do.

[Editor’s note: This story originally was published by Live Action News.]


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