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Undercover video of Planned Parenthood revealed, 8 years after it was confiscated

Kamala Harris visits abortion business

A newly released video from the Center of Medical Progress (CMP) shows a shocking encounter with a Planned Parenthood abortionist who admits on camera that she is willing to commit several felonies in the buying and selling of fetal body parts.

In the video, Dr. Stacy De-Lin, Planned Parenthood New York City Medical Director for Abortion Services, speaks with an undercover reporter for CMP, who is purportedly in the business of buying fetal body parts.

In a tweet releasing the video, CMP lead investigator David Daleiden stated, “In new full undercover video, Planned Parenthood NYC seeks $1,500 ‘financial incentive’ per aborted fetal liver, which can be harvested from ‘intact D&Es’ — criminal partial-birth abortions. @KamalaHarris seized this footage to cover cup for @PPFA.”

As the two meet, De-Lin laughs as she says her facility commits abortions up to 24 weeks, noting they have an “incredibly high volume [of abortions].” She states that “probably 10-20%” of those abortions at their Manhattan facility are “over 13 weeks.” She then admits that “we certainly do intact D&Es” — also known as “partial-birth” abortions — a federally illegal abortion procedure.

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The CMP investigator then offers De-Lin a tidy sum for specific organs, noting, “we can pay you $1,000 up to $1,500 for a liver.” De-Lin responds to this enthusiastically, saying, “I think a financial incentive from you guys, like, to the people we have to get this approved from, will be very happy about it.” This, too, appears to suggest a possible violation of federal law, as Live Action News previously noted: “U.S. federal law states that, ‘It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce.’”

Though the video was filmed during a CMP undercover investigation in 2015, it was seized during a 2016 raid on CMP President David Daleiden’s California home. Kamala Harris, the California Attorney General at the time, prevented the footage’s release, with a federal judge ordering its full confiscation for eight years.

Now, eight years later, that confiscation is over. According to The Daily Wire, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene obtained the footage through a subpoena earlier this year and released it last week.

“You can see just from the first video why Planned Parenthood tried so hard to cover this up for eight years,” Daleiden told The Daily Wire. “They spent years and millions of taxpayer dollars trying to make sure that the admissions on these undercover tapes never see the light of day.”

As previously reported by Live Action News:

After Orrick issued an injunction against the release of any new videos, Harris met with Planned Parenthood executives. Daleiden has alleged that Planned Parenthood General Counsel Beth Parker told Harris she wanted access to his computers. E-mail exchanges also show Harris and Planned Parenthood working together to get a search warrant to obtain CMP’s full, unedited videos. She further worked with Planned Parenthood to craft a bill which would make recording undercover conversations with “health care providers” a crime, with the parties passing copies of the bill back and forth before submitting it.

Daleiden said the newly-released Planned Parenthood video is “too incriminating to explain away.”

“There’s really no way that they can spin this stuff anymore. There’s no way that they can explain away admissions that are this stark and this obvious from their own top level leadership,” he said. “And that’s why they went, eight years ago, to such incredible lengths to ask Kamala Harris when she was Attorney General of California to use the powers of her office to raid my home, try to seize all the original copies of the undercover footage, and prevent it from continuing to be published.”

[Editor’s note: This story originally was published by Live Action News.]


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