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Résumé gaps don't have to kill your job search — here's what to say about them

Having a gap in your résumé doesn't have to derail your job search.
  • Slowdowns in some industries mean it's taking longer for some workers to land new roles.
  • The pandemic helped normalize résumé gaps, with many workers experiencing employment disruptions.
  • Career experts advise explaining gaps briefly and then pivoting to relevant skills and strengths.

When Vicki Salemi's father got sick, she cut back on her work as a freelance writer to spend time with him.

After he eventually died in late 2012, she was devastated.

"He was my best friend," Salemi told Business Insider.

As she tried to recover, she faced another problem: There was a hole in her résumé that made clear she hadn't been working for a while.

So Salemi, now a career expert for Monster, added a line to her CV to show that the monthslong gap existed for good reason. She didn't want anyone to wonder what she'd been up to — or question it and risk derailing her momentum in an interview she might otherwise be crushing.

"I didn't want to get asked about it because I was knee-deep in grief," she said.

Salemi isn't alone in having a résumé where the end of one job doesn't align neatly with the start of the next. Between layoffs, gig work, and the economic and social quagmire of the pandemic, many workers have blank spots in their formal work history. But that doesn't have to be a dealbreaker when it comes to finding another role.

The pandemic poked holes in work

The trick to dealing with résumé gaps is to have an explanation, career experts told BI. Sometimes, it's best to put the reason on the résumé itself, Salemi said. One bright spot for her after her father died was that she ultimately got the job.

"I remember when I had that phone interview with my future boss, she was like, 'Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that,'" Salemi said. "She just addressed it, acknowledged it, and then moved right on."

Julia Toothacre, chief career strategist at ResumeTemplates.com, told BI that her advice on résumé gaps is far different from what she would have said a decade ago. Breaks in work experience are often just a thing now and don't necessarily have to be papered over.

That's because the pandemic threw so many people out of work and disrupted so much about the labor force that everything got a bit messy. In her experience, Toothacre said, most people doing the hiring are more sympathetic to the vagaries of the job market now.

"Any recruiter or hiring manager worth anything understands what's been going on in the world of work. It does not matter what sector you're in," she said.

It's OK to say you were laid off

Toothacre said that, unlike in the past, it's generally not as detrimental to be up front about a work drought on a résumé. That doesn't mean some people in charge of hiring won't ding applicants for it. But she said that itself can be a useful red flag for job seekers.

"If that's a situation that you're in, you don't want to work for that person anyway," Toothacre said.

She recommends that if you were laid off, note that on your résumé. Or, she said, you could add a section that talks about being off work for personal reasons like having to care for someone.

Depending on the grounds for the break, it can be wise to be somewhat circumspect, she said. If you were off because of a protracted illness, it might be smart not to go too deep into it. Even though employers shouldn't discriminate against people for, say, having young kids who need attention, it can happen.

Yet Toothacre said the decision by LinkedIn to let users add a career break to their profile has helped normalize the idea that not all formal work unfolds without interruption.

Salemi, from Monster, said in her experience more job seekers have gaps than don't. And many people tend to overthink how to address them, she said. Her advice is to be prepared to talk about the breaks — and use that explanation to move the conversation forward.

Even for workers who were fired, they could say something like, "I was the last one in, first one out," Salemi said. Then comes the pivot. One example she offered: "But the past three months really gave me clarity for this job I'm pursuing because my strengths are in sales," she said.

Don't dwell on the gap

Salemi said the key is to address the hiatus so an interviewer doesn't get stuck on it. For those who might have done something like get additional education, build their skills, or work on a side hustle, it can be OK or even beneficial to talk about it, she said.

There are other ways job seekers can downplay fallow spots in their formal work history. One is to perhaps not list start dates and end dates using months. Instead, Salemi said, consider using only years.

Another technique is to position the skills up top instead of first listing work history in reverse chronological order. That can help a busy recruiter focus on what's most important, Lee Woodrow, owner and principal consultant at Bigger Fish Executive Branding, previously told BI.

Salemi said it's no surprise that having too many gaps can be a problem. But for most breaks, explain it and move on. If possible, do it in a single sentence with two parts. The first portion is why the gap exists, and the second is why you're the best person for the job, she said.

"Especially if you're a top candidate, it's not necessarily a liability for you," Salemi said.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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