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Now Biden is George Washington? Uh-huh


On April 26, 2010, the magician David Copperfield stunned a live audience by making the Statue of Liberty disappear. We have not seen such a magic trick until July 21, 2024, when President Joe Biden suddenly announced he would no longer seek the Democratic Party’s 2024 presidential nomination, prompting the combined efforts of both the media and his party’s leaders in hiding the real reason for his decision.

Party leaders began hailing Biden for voluntarily deciding to withdraw, with many liberal broadcasters comparing him to George Washington. One such broadcaster, the forever-naive Joy Reid of MSNBC, claimed, “This was selfless on a level, I think, that’s important in a way that we talk about George Washington being selfless.” The comparison to President Washington was obviously based on his refusal to run for a third term, despite encouragement from his political allies to do so. It was a totally selfless act for Washington; it was not for Biden.

The two presidents’ motivations could not have been more diverse.

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Washington, who was a true patriot, acted solely in the best interests of the country. Despite having vast support from the public after putting America on the road to greatness and still physically and mentally robust at age 65, he recognized the importance of relinquishing power to a newly elected president lest he endanger the democracy for which he so valiantly had fought.

Biden, on the other hand, had reiterated his decision not to withdraw just days before doing so. Undoubtedly encouraged by Jill to stay in the race, even his own party leaders were having to admit behind closed doors that Biden was leading the country while lacking a full deck. Even the blatant lying upon which he had so relied throughout his career was becoming commonplace in his briefings. Party leaders could no longer turn a blind eye to what the vast majority of voters could readily grasp – Biden had to go.

When party leaders confronted Biden about withdrawing for the good of the party (not for the good of the country) and he refused to do so, they played their “ace in the hole.” He was informed action would be taken under the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

Obviously, in confronting Biden with this course of action, prior assurances of support would have had to have been obtained from Vice President Kamala Harris who repeatedly had lied to voters that Biden was fit to continue in office. After all, the 25th Amendment mandates that the vice president, along with a majority of Cabinet members, initiate action to relieve the president of his powers due to a physical or mental disability. Perhaps this is why Biden had not met with his full Cabinet since October 2023.

It was absolutely clear, however, that Biden had no intention of withdrawing on his own. He had to be confronted with the possibility of ending a failed presidential term with the further embarrassment of a forced exit. Perhaps that was even too much for Jill Biden to accept.

Yet, despite this, Democratic Party leaders like former Speaker Nancy Pelosi now outrageously claim that Biden has proven to be one of America’s greatest presidents, warranting a place on Mount Rushmore, adding that he is “such a consequential president.” This is an interesting suggestion because liberals have been critical of the monument, claiming it has “racist roots.”

Fortunately, we need not worry about such a defacing of Mount Rushmore. The National Park Service has explained the surrounding rock simply cannot support another addition. Accordingly, it could in no way accommodate that of a two-faced Joe Biden.

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