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‘You’re White, Right?’ Fox News Host Pressures Black Co-Host Harold Ford Jr. To Wear ‘White Dudes For Harris’ Hat

Dana Perino and Harold Ford Jr. attend Fox News’ Super Tuesday 2024 primary election coverage at Fox News Channel Studios on March 5, 2024, in New York City. | Source: Roy Rochlin / Getty

When Fox News fired Tucker Carlson and replaced him with Jesse Waters, all the network really did was replace one racist white male idiot with another racist white male idiot.

On Thursday, Waters took his racist white male idiocy to a whole new level by turning it sideways against his Black Democratic co-host, Harold Ford Jr., by insisting he is “white” and then questioning whether he’s “half” on live air—all so he could make some white and fragile point about the “White Dudes for Harris” political action group of, well, white men who support Vice President Kamala Harris.

“I got White Dudes For Harris right here and I’m not going to put it on. For one reason, I don’t want to mess up my hair, but two, I’m not for Harris so I’m going to give it to you,” Waters said, calling Ford “a white dude for Harris.”

Waters, who appears to know full well his co-host is not a white man, went on to ask Ford: “You are white, right? You’re white. Are you half?” If that wasn’t blatantly racist (not to mention obnoxious) enough, Waters made a comment about Ford’s hair while continuing the pressure him to “put on the hat.”

“You’re not going to mess up your hair, look at it,” he said.

Yeah, nah—Waters knows Harold Ford is Black. 

For those who aren’t familiar, Harold Ford Jr. is a former Democratic state congressman who represented Tennessee’s 9th congressional district, a seat that had previously been held by his father, Harold Ford Sr., who was the first African American congressman to represent Tennessee in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Now, it really doesn’t matter how well Waters does or doesn’t know his co-host’s background. In that moment, Waters reminded Black people across America what it’s like to be the only or one of the few Black people in a predominately white work environment. He’s the type of white guy at the office who shakes all of his white co-workers’ hands but tries to fist-bump the Black guy whose name he always confuses with the other Black guy’s name.

Sure, it could be argued that Ford Jr. looks racially ambiguous, as did his father, but Waters just watched Donald Trump get dragged across social media for questioning Harris’ racial identity in front of an audience of Black journalists at NABJ and thought to himself: “Oh hell yeah—I want me some of that!”

Journalist Roland Martin noted that Ford allowed himself to get “punked” by his racist-ass co-host, presumably because Ford just sat there and laughed off Waters’ racial antagonism, saying, “I will give it to my father-in-law” (Ford’s wife is white) while Waters continued to pressure him to put on the hat while the rest of their co-workers snickered around them.

Also, why are white conservatives so salty over the “White Dudes for Harris” group?

Late last month, when the group first began to trend on social media, Waters’ and Ford’s other co-host, Dana Perino, whined, “When I hear, like, this racial segregation of the idea of ‘you just need this demographic,’ and then people proudly doing that — it makes me cringe. I don’t like it, I want to reject all of it.”

Elon Musk was so salty over the group’s existence that he suspended its account on X and then swiftly reinstated it, likely because half the users of the platform he’s been running into the ground for the last couple of years were pointing out the glaring hypocrisy of the billionaire who claims to be a warrior for free speech.

As I noted previously, neither Perino, Waters, Musk nor any of the other salty white hypocrites who have expressed false outrage over “White Dudes for Harris” had the same energy for the emergence of groups like “Blacks for Trump,” “Latinos for Trump,” or “Women for Trump.”

Hell, Waters is being especially dense about it considering he was one of the first caucasity-infused white voices to start spreading around the racist white nonsense that Trump would attack more Black voters after his mugshot had gone viral. (Not to mention the time he let his true white nationalist colors show when he insisted Barack Obama lacks “American perspective” because his “father has roots in Africa.”)

White conservatives consistently play identity politics while pretending to oppose identity politics by parading around every Black conservative they can scrape from the bottom of the sunken place so that they can present the illusion that MAGA America has plenty of “Black friends.” Now, they’re getting salty and fragile over white Democrats doing the same for their party.

Cry harder, White dudes for White Supremacy. Your white tears are delicious.


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The post ‘You’re White, Right?’ Fox News Host Pressures Black Co-Host Harold Ford Jr. To Wear ‘White Dudes For Harris’ Hat appeared first on NewsOne.

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