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My favorite Lululemon running shorts never ride up and have sneaky pockets — here's why I think they're worth the $68

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The Lululemon Speed Up Shorts are comfortable, lightweight, and wick away sweat.

As I'm writing this, there's a serious heatwave going on. It's hot, it's sweaty, and walking outside wearing anything other than workout clothes or a bathing suit just feels wrong. 

What will I be wearing today? My Lululemon Speed Up Shorts.

Growing up, I loved exercising in the Nike Tempo Running Shorts. I still think they're a great option, and at just $30 they're a more affordable one too, but I like to think of the Speed Up Shorts as the more sophisticated older sister to the Tempos if you will. 

The Speed Up Shorts are simple and lightweight, but they also have a flattering fit and thoughtful details like a zip pocket on the back to hold your keys or credit card. These have become my go-to for running or when I just want something comfortable to wear on a hot day.

How they fit and feel

Lululemon is known for its focus on fabrics and the Speed Up Shorts deliver to that end. The liner inside of the shorts is made of a stretchy, sweat-wicking, quick-drying material. There's even a touch of Lycra to help the liner keep its shape and prevent it from stretching out. The shorts themselves are made of Lululemon's Swift fabric, a lightweight but durable woven material that's sweat-wicking and water-repellent. I love the way the fabrics feel — the liner is really soft and the outer Swift fabric can withstand the elements really well. 

What I love most about these shorts though is the fit. The opening of the shorts is wider than many other athletic shorts I've tried. This makes the shorts more flattering and comfortable. They also don't ride up as much when I run compared to pairs like the Nike Tempo Running Shorts, which I have a feeling has to do with the V-shaped construction on the sides. 

My pair has a 4-inch inseam, but the regular Speed Up Shorts have a 2.5-inch inseam if you prefer a style that's a bit shorter. Personally, I like the longer option because it still feels like a short-short, but it keeps my butt covered and has a medium-rise that hits comfortably right at the waist. 

There's a zip pocket on the back of the shorts that's ideal for storing any small essentials while you run. I like to keep any important cards in there while I'm out. You'll also find a concealed, open pocket on the front part of the shorts. It's made of the same stretchy fabric as the liner and it's the perfect place to hold your keys. 

The drawstring to adjust the waistband is concealed inside the shorts.

The shorts come in seven colors: gray, light blue, mint, red, black, white, and navy.

I have two pairs, each with a different black and gray pattern (although those exact ones are no longer sold on the site). I always find myself reaching for these shorts, even if it's just to run errands because they're comfortable and the dark colors are easy to wear with most tops. 

Cons to consider

While I like the wider opening around the legs, some shoppers found this to be a flaw. It isn't the best design for yoga or other mat exercises. Since these shorts aren't made with fitted Spandex, there's a chance they could ride up or expose you from behind. But, it's not an issue I've ever experienced while running. I've even worn these to kickboxing classes where I was flailing around, and while they probably won't be my first choice again, I still felt secure and supported through my workout. 

These shorts also are a bit pricey. As I mentioned before, the Nike Tempo Running Shorts are about half the cost. Still, I think the Speed Up Shorts make up for the difference with the fabric, construction, and convenient details like pockets, but if the price is your main concern, the Nikes are a good option too. 

Bottom line

I'm not a professional runner by any means, so I can't say if these are the best performance running shorts out there. But, as someone who likes to go for a run every now and then, the Speed Up Shorts do the trick and then some. They look nice, they feel nice, and they're super comfortable. And anything with added pockets is a win for me. I wear these so often that I wish I had more than just two pairs in my wardrobe. It might just be time to get another. 

Read the original article on Business Insider

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