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Katchelman, Jr: Framing the 2024 “Free” Election in the USA

Kamala Harris and her running mate Tim Walz, who lied about his military service, at a Philadelphia rally this week.

Guest post by John L. Katchelman, Jr.

A recent news report states that the Harris nomination was secured with 99% approval by the Democratic delegations. At first glance, that’s a “WOW!” A longer consideration stokes memories of historical facts that highlight the worst in humanity—savagery, brutality, inhumanity, depravations, power lust, assassinations, etc. Think with me on the following indicators of our current national body politic.

A first idiom…

“None are so blind as those who will not see.” This idiom is used when people refuse to accept facts presented to them. The origin of the idiom is traced to the Middle Ages (1546). It is attributed to John Heywood.

It stresses that blindness extends beyond the physical realm. It encompasses a willful ignorance or a deliberate refusal to acknowledge the truth. This is more detrimental than physical blindness, as it can lead individuals to make unwise decisions and cause harm to themselves or others.

The idiom urges us to be cautious so our personal biases or prejudices will not hinder our ability to perceive the truth.

A second idiom…

In today’s media comments, the timeless idiom “The King has no clothes” is echoed. The idiom applies to the absurdity of politicians foolishly pushing policies to further their own vanities. Inevitably, it announces that the corrupt agendas of self-serving politicians are blindly accepted by ignorant supporters.

“The Emperor’s New Clothes” describes a vain emperor totally exposed before his subjects. The emperor is obsessed with satisfying personal desires at the expense of State matters.

The courtiers and townsfolk go along with the pretense, not wanting to appear stupid. But then a child blurts out that the emperor is wearing nothing at all. The people realize that everyone has been fooled.

Although startled, the emperor continues the procession, walking “more proudly” than ever. Andersen’s tale is similar to other such morality stories, some as early as 1052.

Even after the Emperor realizes he has been duped by the evil con artists, “he walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the train that wasn’t there at all.” Such fittingly comments upon the typical politician’s behavior when exposed.

Truer words could not describe the timeless depravations of politicians who bow to the Deep State Bureaucrats! It is blind ignorance supported by those with an insatiable greed for riches and power. Those seeking acclaim and power “carry water” for those in actual control. And, those in control (the Deep State) will never relent that control.

History is redundant in chronicling the vanity of politicians, the tyrants of bureaucracy and the gullibility of the ruled that affirms the POLS security.

History furnishes illustrations from many nations and civilizations, but one stands out… Stalin’s 90%+ election landslide.

In 1936 the first election under the new Soviet Constitution was held. Of course, Stalin, as the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and then later elevated to the Supreme Leader of the USSR, choreographed the entire event. The results were later published that Stalin’s election was almost unanimous and a celebration of a “free election” was announced.

Joseph Stalin

In the 1946 election, Stalin’s winning percentage increased! Stalin’s victory speech emphasized the importance of having a strong and successful social system.

“Our victory signifies, first of all, that our Soviet social system was victorious, that the Soviet social system successfully passed the test of fire in the war and proved that it is fully viable. […] The war proved that the Soviet social system is a genuinely people’s system, which grew up from the ranks of the people and enjoys their powerful support; that the Soviet social system is fully viable and stable form of organization of society.” (Stalin 1945).

Joseph Stalin had been reelected as Premier, and propaganda voices heralded the large increase of votes from the previous election, thus validating voter support for him.

But it was all show. The citizens were so blind they could not see the emperor had no clothes! Opponents to Stalin were intimidated, threatened, assassinated, investigated, and imprisoned with false accusations and their names were removed from the ballot.

The “justice system” was subservient to Stalin’s dictates. Ultimately, all offices on the ballot had a person’s name but there was only one name because all others had been removed by evil actions.

So, it could be said there was a “free” election, all got to vote, BUT it was totally contrived. The “large increase and voter support” were propagandized to legitimize totalitarian tyranny!

True, elections were allowed to be competitive, in theory, with candidates of different organizations, although persecution of any opposition during the campaign intimidated the electorate.

Elections ever since in the former USSR and in the current Russian Federation have followed Stalin’s playbook. The UK foreign secretary, David Cameron, said in a statement that: “Putin removes his political opponents, controls the media, and then crowns himself the winner. This is not democracy.”

Framing the 2024 “free” election in the USA

There is a deliberate and contrived historical playbook governing the November election. This assertion is validated by a number of anecdotes revealing how the Democratic Party is pushing lies, intimidating, encouraging assassinations’, slandering, fabricating military service, lying about the “success” of our nation’s borders, threatening the highest Court of Justice in the USA, and even imprisoning those perceived to be threats to their power.

Some are even suggesting they will not allow President Trump to be installed and have had meetings discussing the mechanics of such a coup. Others are saying they are now “radicalized” in angry opposition. And, amazingly such hate-speech is applauded and not prosecuted! Even the nationally elected leaders are either silent or supportive of such behavior.

How can such behavior be explained? Three psychological terms seem to define such behavior. These are termed antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Such people are characterized by a controlling disregard for and violation of the rights of others.

This behavior is persistent and inflexible even when presented with concrete facts that show they are wrong. The three terms are sociopaths, psychopaths, and narcissists. Psychopaths lack empathy, conscience, and respect for authority. Sociopaths use manipulation and deceit. Narcissists are selfish and cruel, thinking everything good depends on them.

Stalin well qualifies as ASPD. His political savagery is well documented, even though he claimed unanimous election percentage. Politicians identified with the “D” embrace these three ASPD behaviors and some “R” eagerly join the “D.”

An unbelievable action

In spite of the historical records, the playbook of Marxism that Lenin tweaked to urge a central command and control and which Stalin wrested to validate his brutality, is being used in the “D” election campaign leading to November 5, 2024. There is pell-mell rush toward national disaster.

The “D” (Democrats) have…

  • …Purged the anointed nominee and inserted one professing total disdain and recorded illegalities.
  • …Stolen FOURTEEN MILLION votes from the one garnering the votes and in backroom Chicago shenanigans “gave” them to one who could never have even made the final draw.
  • …Accused opponents of radicalization while applauding their “own” of an even more heinous action.
  • …Developed a campaign platform that is contrary to the U.S. Constitution.
  • …Obfuscated inquiries into assassination attempts.
  • …Prostituted federal agencies to achieve evil ends.

So, how can such happen? How can the polls claim that the revised-Marx-Lenin-Stalin party even be close in an election to a party whose platform urges an originalist Rule of Law interpretation?

Perhaps an explanation is found in the term “willful blindness” which is also known as “conscious avoidance.” This is a judicially-made doctrine that expands the definition of knowledge to include closing one’s eyes to the high probability a fact exists.

One thus “knows” that actions are criminal but that one is willfully blind to the reality. Is this where the electorate of the USA finds itself today? Do these polling FOR the “D” think that somehow the leopard is going to instantly change its spots? (See The Bible, Jeremiah 13:3). In downhome farm boy terms, “It ain’t gonna happen!”

Here is the shocking report that spurred this article: According to AP, “Harris’ nomination became official after a five-day round of online balloting by Democratic National Convention delegates ended Monday night, with the party saying in a statement released just before midnight that 99% of delegates casting ballots had done so for Harris.”

Indeed! There are none who are so blind that they cannot see the Emperor has no clothes! How tragic is the ignorance shrouding the general population.

Are YOU a part of this ignorance? Do you “see” and accept the facts that are so clearly delineated in the politics of today?

The post Katchelman, Jr: Framing the 2024 “Free” Election in the USA appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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