E-commerce giant Amazon India on Friday said it has set up four hubs, including a temporary hub in West Bengal, to deliver urgent relief material in less than 24 hours, as part of its disaster management strategy.
Located at Thane (Maharashtra), Faridabad (Haryana), Hyderabad (Telangana) and Purba Bardhaman in West Bengal, these disaster relief mitigating facilities will enable the company to swiftly mobilize resources and support communities affected by natural disasters like floods, cyclones, cold waves, among others, Amazon India said.
The locations of these hubs -- West, North, South and East of India -- have been strategically identified keeping network optimization in mind and developed by a team of experts at Amazon transportation services, it said.
The move comes in response to floods in several parts of the country due to heavy rainfall this year, the company said.
"Our disaster relief efforts are guided by our extensive logistic network, warehousing expertise and our ...