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Trump Slams Tim Walz for Signing Bill Allowing Infanticide

Former President Donald Trump called out vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz today for signing a bill for abortions up to birth and infanticide

During his press conference at Mar-A-Lago on Thursday, Trump answered a question about abortion by citing the former Virginia Democrat governor who endorsed abortions up to birth.

And you know, when you think about the radical, the Democrats are really the radical ones in this because they’re allowed to do abortion on the eighth and ninth month and even after birth. If you look at your new governor from Minnesota, he’s talking about, he’s like the governor previous, the former governor. I don’t want to get him mixed up because Glenn is doing a good job and he’s leading our, he’s leading our whole campaign in Virginia. Glenn Youngkin. But previous to Glenn, the governor, he said, “The baby will be born. We will put the baby aside and we will decide with the mother what we’re going to do.”

In other words, “whether or not we’re going to kill the baby.” The Minnesota gentleman, this guy agrees with that. He is the most liberal — look, between her and him, there’s never been anything like this. There’s never been a combination. So I’ll use the word “progressive.” You know, they want to go progressive. They don’t like the word “liberal.” I like “liberal” better. I think it’s more appropriate because nobody knows what “progressive” means.

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Walz signed into law the Protect Reproductive Options (PRO) Act to enshrine in state statute a “fundamental right” to abortion without limits or safeguards. The bill had passed the House and Senate by narrow margins after Democrat leaders quickly pushed it through the legislature in the opening weeks of the session. Authored by Rep. Carlie Kotyza-Witthuhn, D-Eden Prairie, the bill would allow abortion on demand even late in pregnancy when unborn babies are viable and can feel excruciating pain. The law Walz signed also would also deny parents the right to know if their minor daughter is seeking an abortion.

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“The PRO Act means a right to abort any baby for any reason at any time up to birth. It means that the elective killing of a human being in utero is perfectly legal even in the third trimester of pregnancy, when the child can feel excruciating pain and could live outside the womb. It means that parents have no right to know when their teenage daughter has been taken to undergo an abortion,” said MCCL Co-Executive Director Cathy Blaeser. “Gov. Walz’s absolutist abortion policy puts Minnesota in the company of just a small handful of countries around the world, including North Korea and China. It is extreme, inhumane, and harmful to women and children who deserve so much better.”

Walz signed the bill despite polls showing Minnesota did not want unlimited abortions.

Polls showed that most Minnesotans and most Americans disagree with the no-limits policy enshrined by the PRO Act. A 2022 KSTP/SurveyUSA poll found that only 30 percent of Minnesotans think abortion should always be legal.

As Trump mentioned, Walz also signed a bill allowed infanticide.

Walz signed an omnibus bill passed in May 2023, SF2995, which included significant changes that gutted Minnesota’s Born Alive Infant Protection Act and even left disabled newborns exposed to a lack of protection, in addition to newborns who survive abortions.

But that coincides with Kamala Harris’ views of abortions up to birth.

Harris refuses to name any limits on abortion that she supports.

Harris continues to gaslight the American people by saying all she wants to do is “bring Roe v. Wade back” but, when asked repeatedly what that means to her and what, if any, protections should be there for babies in the womb … she can’t list a single one. Listen to her dodge this question for four minutes on CBS, when the reporter hounds her to pick a single week where babies are allowed the right to live. Even when a reporter asked if she’d support a 20 to 24-week limit. Kamala shook her head and said, “No, no, no.“ She wouldn’t even commit to a seven- or either-month limit.

Harris co-sponsored legislation that federally forces all-trimester abortions on all 50 states.

The so-called Women’s Health Protection Act is so radical, even members of the Democrat party said it would go much further than Roe. And then they opposed it. This is the legislation that Democrats continue to try and shove through Congress to make the law of the land. And Mrs. Harris was an early sponsor and originator of it. It would not only bypass the will of the voters in each state and strip all pro-life states of their protections for babies in the womb but it would mandate all-trimester abortion laws in each state. It would take away informed consent laws for people seeking abortions and would get rid of parental consent for parents of minors seeking abortions. These are just a few of the shocking laws Mrs. Harris’ WHPA would federally force all states to do. And speaking of laws…

While in Congress, she repeatedly voted against protecting babies when they can feel pain AND babies born alive after failed abortions.

Mrs. Harris’ congressional record showed that she voted twice against a limit on abortions at 20 weeks, well after science shows unborn babies can feel pain. She didn’t stop there, she made sure to say that granting babies the right to live at five months, is “immoral.” As if that wasn’t bad enough, she also voted twice against providing any kind of medical care for babies who survive an abortion. If it were up to Mrs. Harris, nationwide survivors like those from the Abortion Survivors Network, would not be granted a second chance at life.

The post Trump Slams Tim Walz for Signing Bill Allowing Infanticide appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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