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I’m begging strangers to pay for my girls’ trip – people say it’s ‘tacky as hell’ but I don’t care if I get free drinks

NOW that it is easier than ever to send cash to one another, some people are cheekily asking strangers to transfer them money to help fund their lives.

One woman was bold enough to request that people she didn’t know send some money to help pay for her girls’ trip away.

If you can afford a girls weekend in Nashville, you can afford to buy your own drinks. byu/SylVegas inChoosingBeggars[/caption]

An image was shared online of the woman’s car, which had a very forward message written on the back.

It read: “Buy the girls a drink, Nashville bound.”

The message then shared the Venmo details so people could transfer some funds to pay for their beverages. 

One person who spotted the girls’ trip vehicle wasn’t impressed and took a photo to share on Reddit.

They slammed the idea and said strangers shouldn’t be expected to pay for their trip.

The person said: “If you can afford a girls weekend in Nashville, you can afford to buy your own drinks.”

The post has clearly divided internet users, with some agreeing with them that the request was “tacky as hell”, however, others said they hadn’t done anything wrong.

One person who wasn’t in support of the blazen request wrote: “It’s begging… it’s a lil…cheap I guess I’ll say.”

Another commented: “I don’t disagree that this is tacky as hell.”

And one said: “This sign annoys me so much I hope their luggage gets stolen!”

However, many people didn’t see the problem in asking people to pay for drinks.

One shared: “Meh, this doesn’t bother me nearly as much as some other things.”

A second argued: “It’s also ‘harmless fun’. 

“This is better than asking strangers at the bar to cover your tab or buy you a drink.”

A third reasoned: “My wife did this for her sisters bachelor party (posted the Venmo on Instagram). 

“A bunch of like distant cousins and relatives and some friends that couldn’t go on the trip sent 10 bucks or whatever. 

“Helped cover the trip and it made other people feel included in the event. Not a big deal.”

It’s not the first time it has happened.

When is it tacky to ask for money for your wedding - and how can I ask without offending people?

By Josie Griffiths, Fabulous deputy digital editor and bride-to-be

Josie Griffiths said: “As someone who lives in an already cluttered 38 square metre flat, gifts aren’t exactly at the top of the list for our wedding day in August.

“All we want is money towards our honeymoon – and we’re already expecting backlash from the older generations, but what can you do?

“I would love an air fryer or coffee machine for the kitchen, but we simply don’t have the space.

“I think there’s a few keys when asking for cash to stop it looking tacky.

“One – the money is for our honeymoon, not to cover the cost of the wedding, we are absolutely paying for that ourselves.

“Two – like any gift, it’s totally optional, and people can decide what they’re comfortable spending themselves. When I went to a wedding abroad in my mid-20s, I didn’t contribute to their honeymoon fund and I still feel comfortable with my decision, the trip to Spain already cost me and my partner a lot.

“Under no circumstances should you ever invoice people for a specific amount. You might have relatives who are more generous than expected, which would of course be lovely, but your guests are just that and they shouldn’t have to pay for the food, decorations and entertainment you’ve chosen.

“Three – make it look and feel like a registry – there are some great websites where guests can donate cash for cocktails, room upgrades and experiences abroad, which make it feel a lot more personal than a bank account number and sort code. People like to know where their money’s going and then you can send proper thank yous with pics of you enjoying whatever they’ve paid towards.

“As for how to ask, some people do poems but personally I hate them, they sound childish and you wouldn’t knock one up to ask your mate to transfer you £100 towards your trip away, so it sounds odd here.

“Something like this, on your formal invite or wedding website, would be perfect: The most important thing to us is that you are able to celebrate with us on our wedding day. However, if you wish to give a gift, we will gratefully accept a small contribution towards our honeymoon.

“Good luck!”

We recently shared how a bridesmaid had also scrawled a message on the bride’s car.

It read: “She’s tying the knot. Buy the bride a shot.”

Many people were shocked at the plea for money, but were intrigued as to if it actually works.

One person asked: “I’m so curious if this actually works? Do random strangers donate money to these things?”

Another replied saying: “Yes I was just at a Bach the other weekend and she made almost $700 from doing this + having all the girls post it on Instagram – it covered all our meals and drinks for the whole trip lol.

“I used to be one to judge but damn it works.”

A bride was slammed for asking strangers to send money for ‘shots’[/caption]

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