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Sports diplomacy playing on in Paris sets a global example

Thirty-two years ago, I started the Institute for Education over breakfast with my high-powered tennis students. 

As a tennis coach to leading diplomats and elected and business power players, I had always understood the value of sports in building relationships. Each quarter, I would gather my students — including Les Aspin, Katharine Graham, Alan Greenspan, George Shultz, and Jim Baker — to explore and problem-solve issues of the day in an environment away from the conference tables and harsh overhead lighting. 

For over three decades, the Institute for Education has built bridges across sectors and political ideologies based centrally around the lessons of competition and sportsmanship that have guided my career as a professional tennis coach. Throughout history, sports diplomacy has brought together even the most bitter of enemies to move nations and society forward. 

As we watch the grand spectacle of the 2024 Olympics, it's a fitting moment to reflect on the role of sports diplomacy in our interconnected yet divided world. 

The question: Is sports diplomacy still a potent force for global unity? Or is it game over? I believe it is very much alive and continues to shine brightly. 

Throughout history, sports have been a unique bridge between nations, fostering dialogue and understanding where politics often falter. 

The “Ping-Pong Diplomacy” of the 1970s is perhaps one of the most celebrated instances, where table tennis matches between the U.S. and China paved the way for President Richard Nixon's historic visit to Beijing and the subsequent thawing of Sino-American relations. 

In another iconic moment, at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, Jesse Owens won four gold medals — defying Nazi ideology that promoted Aryan racial superiority. Owens’s achievements captivated the world and demonstrated the power of sports to challenge prejudices and bridge racial and ideological divides. 

Humans recreating together and forming that common bond, either on the court or cheering from the sidelines, transcends the intellectual volleying back and forth of technocratic politicking. 

In 2020, the Tokyo Olympics, held amid the COVID-19 pandemic, epitomized resilience and perseverance, showcasing the unifying power of sports in challenging times. 

The event also served as the impetus for crucial conversations around mental health in sports, with athletes courageously sharing their struggles. This dialogue has fostered a broader understanding and highlighted the importance of athletes’ mental well-being — again underscoring the role of sports as a platform for important societal issues. 

Today, despite the geopolitical tensions between major powers, sports continue to offer a platform for dialogue, collaboration, mutual respect and most of all — fun! The 2024 Olympics in Paris has already demonstrated this reality. 

One need only look at the power of female representation in this year’s competition. The first time women were allowed to compete in the Olympic Games was in Paris in 1900; they made up just 2.2 percent of competitors. Now for the first time ever, back in Paris, female athletes not only have equal representation at the games — women have brought home the majority of medals for Team USA so far. 

Initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality, supporting athletes with disabilities and celebrating cultural diversity are transforming the world of sports into a more inclusive and welcoming space. These efforts not only enhance the spirit of sportsmanship but also reinforce the role of sports as a force for positive social change.

Beyond symbolism, the Olympics also offers unique convening power for the host nation. France has not missed the chance to make the most of the moment. 

The French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs spent the months leading up to the games coordinating with 146 embassies to harness the “enthusiasm and ambition of the diplomatic network.”

The Paris 2024 Organizing Committee has also focused on economic development, job creation and sustainability initiatives surrounding the spectacle. These international efforts and collaborations will create enduring relationships that last well beyond the medal ceremonies. 

Kathy “Coach” Kemper is CEO and founder of the Institute for Education, a nonprofit committed to engaging the global community in harnessing the power of data, innovation and soft diplomacy. 

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