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EXCLUSIVE: OKC woman's laptop exposes alleged crime of phone repair shop employee

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – An Oklahoma City woman is accusing an employee at a Penn Square Mall phone repair shop of sending a private video from her device to his own.

The woman, who News 4 is calling Jane to protect her identity, says it happened at The Fix inside Penn Square Mall on Friday. Jane says she took her phone to have her broken screen repaired and gave her cell phone and code to it to an employee, Kayahan Altun, so he could make the repairs.

"He was the manager," said Jane. "He told me that, you know, it'd be about 30 minutes."

Jane said she went to the food court and worked on her laptop while she waited. While on her laptop, Jane said she received a conversation notification and when she looked at her messages she saw a video had been sent from her phone number she did not recognize.

"It was a video of me undressed basically, and had been sent to a random phone number," said Jane. "I was just so in shock."

Jane said the text had been deleted when she picked up her phone, but that the message was still visible on her laptop. She said the video that was sent was in her "hidden" folder in the photos app on her phone from two years ago. The folder required a pass code that was the same she had given Altun to get into her phone.

"I was freaking out because he had obviously been through my photos on my phone," said Jane. "He said that it was done, gave it to me to come check out at the counter. I was, I think, in a state of shock to be honest. Obviously this is some kind of sort of crime. I didn't know what kind of crime, but I knew that something needed to be done and I didn't want to cause a scene or do anything that might interfere if the police got involved."

Jane said that Altun was calm and composed when giving her phone back to her.

"He hands me his business card and it has his name and his phone number on it and he says to call or text him if I have any problems with my phone," said Jane.

Jane said that after looking at the business card she immediately recognized the uncommon area number, and later confirmed the entirety of the number was the same one the video had been sent to from her phone.

She said she doesn't think Altun expected her to figure it out, crediting her devices.

"Apple, I think it's the default setting is for only your iMessages to go to your MacBook, and I had went in like six months ago and changed it to where my text messages also come through my laptop," said Jane. "So I don't think the average person would have seen it because it was a text message, not an iMessage."

A police report says an officer made contact with Altun and called the phone number the message had been sent to. When the officer called the number in front of Altun, the report says Altun's phone rang.

Altun was placed under arrest for larceny and computer crimes but posted bond.

News 4 reached out to Altun by phone and stopped by his address for comment, but he did not respond.

News 4 reached out to The Fix corporate communications for comment, but did not hear back.

News 4 also reached out to Penn Square Mall for comment but was told to direct inquiries to local law enforcement.

Jane said, in addition to the trauma, fear and embarrassment from the interaction she's concerned there may be other potential victims out there.

"I can only imagine he probably has other people that he's done this to," said Jane. "Considering how bold he was to give me his phone number on a card."

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