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Sleep alone can't cure burnout. Here are the 7 types of rest you need to feel refreshed.

  • A symptom of burnout can be not feeling rested after a full night's sleep.
  • Having a day off or treating yourself to a spa day won't fix burnout.
  • Here are seven types of rest that you should incorporate into your routine.

Imagine waking up exhausted after eight hours of sleep or feeling like you need a break when you return from a relaxing vacation. As you're getting ready for work, you can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of dread, thinking about your to-do list.

These are symptoms of burnout, which is "a state of prolonged physical and emotional depletion characterized by feelings of cynicism, detachment, and a perceived lack of effectiveness," Sanam Hafeez, a neuropsychologist, told Business Insider. It can result from chronic exposure to stress, especially if you work in a demanding environment.

In her book "Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity," Saundra Dalton-Smith explained that we all need seven types of rest to truly feel refreshed. These are physical, mental, sensory, emotional, social, creative, and spiritual rest.

We asked psychologists about the seven types of rest, why we need them, and simple ways to build these into your daily routine.

How can you tell if you're experiencing burnout?

Although burnout isn't a medical diagnosis, "it can profoundly impact your mental and emotional health," Hafeez said. A key dimension of burnout is emotional exhaustion, which may be accompanied by pain and gastrointestinal distress.

Another aspect is depersonalization, which involves having a cynical and detached attitude toward your job or colleagues, Hafeez said. For example, you might feel numb or frustrated in response to routine tasks.

A third way burnout manifests is a diminished sense of personal accomplishment. You might feel ineffective or have difficulty concentrating, leading to reduced productivity.

Why burnout can't be 'fixed' with a day of rest

Burnout typically develops over a long period of exposure to stress. "Because stress is usually ongoing, a simple one-time fix like sleeping in on a weekend or having a spa day will not solve the issue," Lienna Wilson, a clinical psychologist, told Business Insider.

Unless you address the root causes of burnout, you're unlikely to find relief in short-term solutions. That's because "burnout often stems from systemic issues within the workplace, like unrealistic demands, lack of control over tasks, or insufficient recognition and rewards," Hafeez explained.

Addressing burnout requires organizational changes along with holistic strategies like therapy and having a robust support system. Since stress affects us in multiple ways, we need many different types of rest to deal with excessive workloads, repair our bodies, and restore our mental and emotional energy, Wilson said.

How to build the 7 types of rest into your day

The seven types of rest are physical, mental, sensory, emotional, social, creative, and spiritual. Each addresses different aspects of exhaustion and can help alleviate burnout.

1) Physical rest

Passive forms of rest, such as sleeping, napping, and relaxing, allow your body to recover from physical exertion. You can also benefit from engaging in active physical rest such as "gentle yoga or stretching, which can easily be incorporated into your bedtime routine and improve sleep," Wilson said.

Hafeez suggested another way to get physical rest is to add short breaks throughout your day to go for a walk. If you're stuck at your desk, stretching every hour can relieve muscle tension and fatigue.

2) Mental rest

Mental exhaustion can occur when you're frequently engaged in cognitive tasks like making decisions, solving problems, and processing different kinds of information. One way to practice mental rest is a brief meditative pause where you sit down, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths, Wilson said.

She recommended counting to at least 10 breaths and practicing this throughout the day. "This will give your mind a much-needed break to relax and recharge," she added.

3) Sensory rest

Hafeez said the goal of sensory rest is to reduce overstimulation from screens, noise, and other sensory inputs that contribute to stress. For example, you can limit your screen time, spend a few minutes outdoors, or turn off notifications so you have fewer distractions in your work environment.

4) Emotional rest

Practicing emotional rest builds resilience by encouraging you to process your feelings and develop safe outlets to express them. Hafeez recommended sharing your thoughts with a trusted family member or friend and using journaling to work through difficult emotions.

5) Social rest

If you're spreading yourself thin between work and family obligations, you might have little energy for friendships and relationships, which can lead to isolation and avoidance, Wilson said. She suggested making time for phone or in-person conversations with people who give off positive energy.

The purpose of social rest is to replenish your social energy by surrounding yourself with supportive individuals. In addition, social rest means taking breaks from people who drain your energy, for example, by going for a solo walk or having a quiet lunch alone, Hafeez said.

6) Creative rest

Engaging in activities that spark inspiration and creativity can help rejuvenate the mind. Examples include doodling, appreciating art, listening to music, visiting a park, and taking in the natural beauty of your surroundings.

Allowing your mind to wander can help restore creativity, Hafeez said. Wilson suggested singing your favorite song in the shower, listening to an audiobook in the car, or making a mental image of flowers and plants when you're outdoors.

7) Spiritual rest

The seventh type of rest involves "connecting with a deeper sense of purpose and meaning through religious practices, meditation, or other forms of introspection," Hafeez said. Her advice was to set aside a few minutes each day for meditation, prayer, or reflecting on your values and purpose.

For rest to be truly restorative, it's important to recognize and attend to these diverse needs. Ultimately, the goal is to cultivate a sense of calm and peace so that one can cope with the kind of prolonged stress that leads to burnout.

Nandini Maharaj is a freelance writer covering health, wellness, identity, and relationships. She holds a master's degree in counseling and a doctorate in public health.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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