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Local Officer Radioed About Armed Shooter on Roof 30 Seconds Before Trump Was Shot, But Message Never Reached Command Post — Internet Cell Service Was Down 25 Minutes Before Shooting (VIDEO)

Would-be Trump assassin and murderer Thomas Brooks lays dead on the roof after federal agents shot him in Butler, Pennsylvania. But only after he allegedly fired 8 shots at President Trump.

It has come to light that the Secret Service’s handling of urgent security information on the day of the attack on President Donald Trump was disastrously inadequate.

According to The Washington Post, crucial messages about the imminent threat posed by Crooks were not properly relayed to the Secret Service, leading to a deadly game of telephone tag that ultimately failed to prevent the attack.

On her show, Laura Ingraham highlighted the chaotic communication breakdowns that occurred in Butler, Pennsylvania. Local commanders were forced to use cell phones to call state troopers, who then relayed messages to the Secret Service, resulting in critical delays.

This ineffective chain of communication happened three times that fateful afternoon, including a crucial moment at 5:42 PM when a local counter-sniper radioed about a young white male lurking near the AGR building, only to lose sight of him shortly after.

The internet service was reportedly down at 5:47—25 minutes before Trump was shot.  Officers were trying to send a photo of Crooks, but the photo did not send.

Another alarming failure occurred just 30 seconds before Trump was shot. A local officer radioed the command center, reporting that the shooter was on the roof and armed, but the message never reached the Secret Service command post.

Ingraham invited former Secret Service Special Agent Frank Loveridge on to discuss the latest findings in the attempted assassination of President Trump.

With each new day, the incident appears to be more and more like an intentional setup. No one person or group of security experts could be this inept in every way.

Below is an excerpt from the interview:

Laura Ingraham: Might have missed? Well, it’s so much worse than Secret Service originally let on. The Washington Post is reporting that to get important urgent messages about Mr. Crooks to the agency, a local commander had to pick up a cell phone and call a state trooper who would then tell the Secret Service like a game of telephone tag.

This happened three times that afternoon, including when a local counter-sniper radioed about a young white male lurking near the AGR building at about 5:42, and that they had then lost sight of him.

It even happened when 30 seconds before Trump was shot, a local officer radioed the command center that the shooter was on the roof and armed. Well, that message never got to the Secret Service command post.

Joining me now, Frank Loveridge, former Secret Service Special Agent in charge. Frank, now, apparently in Butler, Pennsylvania, self-service can be quite spotty, and in some instances, it did not work at all. So how does the Secret Service usually set up a command post that is so far from the local police, especially in those more rural areas where the cell service isn’t great?

Frank Lovridge: Hey, look, at 4:26 PM, we knew this guy was a special interest. Then at 5:42 PM, it basically became more important to see him because he’s using a range finder now to site towards the stage. So Secret Service should have had information. Even our connish snipers, the US secret service, Connor Snipers, the US Secret Service Connor Snipers and the local Connor Snipers were not communicating, according to acting director Ron Ro. So that’s a huge problem and breakdown on that. Then what happened is we lost the individual for 20 minutes…

Laura Ingraham: …Frank, I have to just share this issue with the text message changes, which I just only saw. They were trying to text out a photo of Crooks that they wouldn’t go through. About 5:47, it says, Units be advised, Internet and cell service is down. Another officer on that channel said a minute later, Your picture is probably not going to go through because I don’t have any service. That was the Sheriff’s deputy at 5:49.

Frank Loveridge: That’s why we don’t rely on that. We don’t rely on cell phone coverage because you can’t trust it. You need to get it over the radio and get it to the people that need it quickly.

Laura Ingraham: Well, Frank, there are so many more questions, and it’s very curious that we haven’t gotten answers weeks later.


The post Local Officer Radioed About Armed Shooter on Roof 30 Seconds Before Trump Was Shot, But Message Never Reached Command Post — Internet Cell Service Was Down 25 Minutes Before Shooting (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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