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Love Island star’s famous fiancée spends 30 days in hospital during incredibly difficult pregnancy

LOVE Island Connagh Howard’s fiancée Beth Dunlavey has spent 30 days in hospital during her difficult pregnancy.

The couple shared the news that they were expecting their first child back in April.

Instagram / @bethdunlavey
Beth Dunlavey has been in hospital for over 30 days during her pregnancy[/caption]
The pair announced their news earlier this year after their IVF journey[/caption]

Connagh and The Circle star Beth were over moon after over two years of a heartbreaking fertility struggle and an IVF journey.

Over the past few weeks, mum-to-be Beth has been in and out of hospital.

Earlier today she took to Instagram to share an update with fans.

Beth said: “Where do I start? I didn’t expect things to go this way, months of uncertainty & pain.

“3 MRIs, a drained 8cm abscess (day 9 with the drain attached still), 3 bags of blood, endless canulas, catheters, injections, medication, ultrasounds, doctors, consultants, midwives, emergency ward changes & IV antibiotics.

“We’re pretty much acquainted with the whole hospital at this point! 30 nights in here in the last 6 weeks, it’s all been a lot, physically & mentally with no real conclusive answers as everything is so complex.

“I couldn’t be more grateful to the MDT here who’ve looked after me and who continuously strive to protect myself and my baby boy – they call me a medical mystery because everyone is scratching their head and it seems I’m like a set of dominos, if one thing is knocked off kilter it knocks something else over…

“On a serious note though, it has been so scary and bleak, some really intense heavy conversations have been had and I could not be more grateful to my amazing fiancé… he’s stayed with me in hospital and not left my side since I got readmitted nearly 2 weeks ago now.

“He’s carried me out the bed, held my bed pan while I wee, wiped my tears every single day, cleaned my drain, inspected my poo and been my absolute rock.

“I couldnt ask for a better partner & I just know you’re going to be the best dad to our special baby boy @connagh92 I am forever grateful to you and for your love.

“You’re the best decision I’ve ever made in my life

“Now we wait… for the new plan of action… while being as strong, hopeful and optimistic as possible

“Some days are harder than others, this situation has tested me mentally and physically beyond my limits, the walls sometimes feel like they’re closing in but every day I have our precious baby boy in my tummy is another win for us so we keep going

“Thank you for all of your beautiful words & messages – they mean the world .”

Last month mum-to-be Beth shared she was ‘distressed and on edge’ after she was rushed back to hospital for the third time in five weeks.

Sharing a snap from her hospital bed, Beth said: “Why not make it a hat-trick, three admissions in five weeks.

“Oh by the way, I’m on delivery. No beds in ante natal so that’s fun.”

She added:

She wrote: “Delivery ward lights don’t need to be turned off really do they…oh and husbands obs don’t go home so that leaves me feeling on edge when I’m sat here alone…and have a woman and her man in the cubicle opposite with a curtain between us…being induced.

“You know when I said I deteriorated in hospital last time lol, lost weight, felt worse, didn’t get any rest etc, we’re off to a strong start again.”

She went on: “Midwives, doctors in and out every three minutes through a door that’s never seen a drop of WD40 in its life.

“What a ray of sunshine I am but do you blame me, like it’s not bad enough I’m stuck in here again but I’m in the most inappropriate place

“Needs rest.

“How do you get better in a place where women are screaming and babies crying. Honestly I can’t.”

The couple’s journey into parenthood hasn’t been easy.

Beth thought that her endometriosis surgery in 2022 would help her start a family, but still hadn’t become pregnant.

After being referred to a fertility clinic that year, after lots of tests, they were told that it was “unexplained fertility”.

They then decided to go through the IVF route.

Beth and Connagh started dating in 2020 before we went into lockdown.

The couple got engaged last year.

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