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Concerned citizens press for ‘light’, truth in the European national abduction case


The concerned citizens are pressing authorities for light and truth on the alleged abduction case of European national on whose scenario remains a mystery to the general public.

In a press release signed by representatives of the concerned citizens, Wells Khama, Willie Chikopa and Edward Yusuf, the grouping is urging the responsible Minister Ken Zikhale Ngo’oma to walk the talk on his promise to ensure that those involved are arrested since the matter is bordering on national security.

The grouping has also given the Kasiman Family, the Malawi Police Service and the Immigration Department, seven days to issue public statements on the matter.

“Take note that failure to do so will force us to mobilise the citizens to
hold never ending protests, until Malawians are told the truth and are assured of their security,” reads the statement in part.

The stand, according to the concerned citizens, it is necessary considering that this is not the first alleged abduction, involving members of the Asian business community in Malawi and in the spirit of transparency and accountability it is worth pursuing the matter until it
reaches its logical conclusion.

The major concern is on the way both the Malawi Police Service (MPS) and the Kasiman Family that owns Universal Industries and Central Poultry Limited, have handled the recent alleged abduction of Muhammad Kasiman on Thursday July 25, 2024 in Lilongwe.

“The Malawi police should be reminded that they are operating in a democracy where transparency and accountability is a must and that the abduction allegation remains a serious security concern here and elsewhere, to make matters worse
this particular case involved a foreign national and a businessperson! In short, the deafening silence from the family and the authorities is creating
fear among Malawians,” says the grouping.

Adding that the development begs the question; ‘is Malawi a safer place to live in or let alone do business,”

It says is an open secret that Malawi needs both foreign and domestic investors to heal the sick economy and create the much needed jobs for the youth.

“But then, who can invest in a country with clear signs of security lapses,” queries the concerned citizens saying on behalf of millions of Malawians that learnt the alleged abduction incident, they are demanding the Kasiman family to explain to the nation the sequence of events regarding the alleged abduction and release of their relation, including
whether ransom was paid or not and justify the rationale.

“We are also demanding the MPS to make public, the findings of their investigations and explain why no arrests have been made so far?. Additionally, the immigration department and citizenship services should explain to the nation the status of the victim, whom we have independently established that he is also known as Muhammad Suhail and is working as a Director at Universal Industries Limited in Lilongwe,”

According to media reports, the 26-year-old British citizen of Indian descent, met his fate at Area one (Falls Estate) in Lilongwe, on his way back from the Mosque.

The nation got an assurance from the Lilongwe Police that they were on top of things, only to be told a day later, that the British national was released on Saturday night July 27, 2024 but not details have been given.

Meanwhile, based on what is in public domain, the family has just expressed gratitude to people for standing with them in prayers during the missing if their relation.

“With the grace and mercy of the almighty, Muhammad Suhail is back with us. On behalf of our family, I would like to thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart for the tremendous support and prayers from the entire community. We all pray that the Almighty bless you and your families abundantly. Ameen,” reads the message from the family in part.

The post Concerned citizens press for ‘light’, truth in the European national abduction case appeared first on Malawi Voice.

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