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'House of the Dragon' Season 2 finale: Oh crap, Ser Simon Strong finally called Mum

Ser Simon Strong's probably the most patient man in the Seven Kingdoms. But this week, he made the call.

The stealth MVP of House of the Dragon Season 2, the super-chill and always fashionable Strong (Simon Russell Beale) has done nothing but put up with Daemon Targaryen's (Matt Smith) crap all season. While the King CONSORT (don't forget it) has been offending the Rivermen and tripping balls nightly since he arrived at the largest castle in Westeros in episode 3, Strong has been a constant source of fireproofed diplomacy for Daemon.

But in the season finale, with treachery on the table, Strong has finally had enough. And thanks to one strongly worded raven from Strong, Queen Rhaenyra (Emma D'Arcy) makes it to Harrenhal at last, paying a surprise visit to the potentially treasonous boy with all the toys.

What happens in the season finale with Daemon and that guy Rhaenyra sent?

In the last episode of House of the Dragon Season 2, Daemon has an important but not entirely private conversation with Ser Alfred Broome (Jamie Kenna), an emissary sent by Rhaenyra from Dragonstone to see what the hell her husband has been up to. During this exchange, Broome declares his disdain for a woman on the Iron Throne, having openly showed his disdain for a woman on the Iron Throne all season. The turncloak pledges allegiance to Daemon as "a leader of men," and slinks off, probably to blog about it on 4chan.

But they're overheard by Strong, who has seen his fair share of Daemon's political bungles this season. Strong pledged fealty to Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, First of Her Name, by the old gods and the new, during supper when Daemon first arrived at Harrenhal, and he's not wavering in that loyalty for the Julian Assange of houseguests.

Worst guest. Credit: Ollie Upton / HBO

So, he does the one thing he's been avoiding: He sends a raven to Dragonstone, telling Rhaenyra of Daemon's army and that he "fears treachery." Noice.

Why does Rhaenyra coming to Harrenhal matter?

Ditching the feast of dragonriders at Dragonstone to answer Strong's call, Rhaenyra jumps on Caraxes and heads to Harrenhal. Having let Daemon "find his own path" or some garbage all season, she's not about to let him gather his own damn army to challenge her throne; she has enough of that drama with Team Green.

When she arrives, led by a nervous Strong, Rhaenyra discovers Daemon's built quite the large army for himself — and hasn't told anyone at Dragonstone about it. "I wasn't expecting you" is the first thing Daemon says to his wife, whom he hasn't seen for months. He's wearing the face of a man who said he'd be home soon and just started another Warhammer campaign.

"That seems rather a lapse in foresight," Rhaenyra retorts. Yeah, dude.

We'll never know if Daemon would have fully turned on Rhaenyra if she hadn't showed up, but thanks to Strong, she does. Don't call it snitching when there's treason afoot.

Send up that flare, Ser Simon! Credit: Ollie Upton / HBO

So, why does Daemon (re)swear allegiance to Rhaenyra?

Despite marrying Rhaenyra and brutally killing everyone who doesn't bend the knee to her, Daemon's really made no secret of his yearning to be king instead of King CONSORT (don't forget it). Strong himself has refused to call Daemon so, despite his insistence.

But it seems that after five episodes of nightly visions, the last of which showed Daemon the legendary prophecy of "A Song of Ice and Fire" and "The Prince That Was Promised," Daemon finds a moment of inspired reason beyond his misogyny and ambition. While the army is sworn to Daemon, Rhaenyra's very public demand for Daemon to declare his own allegiance means he has a choice — and he bends the knee.

FINALLY. Credit: Ollie Upton / HBO

"The realm's only hope is a leader who can unite it, and my brother chose you," he says. "You are the true Queen Rhaenyra, First of Her Name, Protector of the Realm. I am meant to serve you, and all of these with me, until death or the end of our story."

"Leave me again at your peril," she replies, and girl, yes.

Daemon's army is a crucial piece for Team Black, as until now, Rhaenyra's strength has remained in sea and sky, with her many dragons and mighty Velaryon fleet. But now, and absolutely thanks to Ser Simon Strong, she has strength on land too.

And the look on Strong's face when the entire army bends behind Daemon, for the queen? That little grin? That's all your work, king. To the Castellan of Harrenhal!

The Season 2 finale of House of the Dragon airs Sunday at 9 p.m. ET on HBO and Max.

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