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Is it worth saving money to let a car insurance company track your every move?

As insurance premiums seem to increase frequently, it isn’t a wonder why consumers are looking for ways to lower their rates. Most auto insurance companies offer some sort of discount for safer driving that’s tracked by the insurance company. 

This is why we were interested in exploring the question posed by Mary regarding the pros and cons of allowing your insurance company to track your driving in exchange for potentially lower premiums.

"State Farm ... provided me with a ‘tracker’ so they can provide safe driver discounts. Am I providing too much information? I started to fill [out] info on the app but stopped. They will give me driving tips/suggestions based on the tracker. What is your opinion on this type of tracker?" — Mary, St. Louis, MO

While most auto insurance companies offer some form of vehicle tracking in exchange for rewarding safe driving, the question most drivers have is whether the benefits outweigh the potential privacy concerns.


Though Progressive was the first to introduce a drive and save program, Snapshot, in 1998, many insurance companies followed suit. Instead of plugging in a telematics device to collect driving data, insurance companies are using OnStar and apps on drivers’ mobile devices. 

For State Farm, specifically, you have the option of a Bluetooth beacon in tandem with the mobile app or Drive Safe & Save Connected Cars. State Farm is phasing out OnStar for new enrollees. 

It’s important to note that there isn’t one set of metrics that all insurance companies collect or use to determine what they consider safe driving. So, if you are considering what information is collected and how your driving will be assessed, it is important to learn the specifics of your particular insurance company.


Though each auto insurance company collects different data points, the common types of data collected include but are not limited to:


Usage-based insurance (UBI) programs, also known as telematics or "pay-as-you-drive" insurance, have gained popularity among major insurers as a way to offer personalized premiums based on individual driving behavior. These programs typically work as follows:

Enrollment: Drivers opt into the program, usually in exchange for an initial discount.

Data collection: The insurance company provides either a plug-in device for your car's OBD-II port or a smartphone app to track your driving.

Monitoring period: Your driving is monitored for a set period, often 3-6 months.

Data analysis: The insurer analyzes the collected data to assess your driving habits.

Premium adjustment: Based on the analysis, your premium may be adjusted. Safe drivers often see a reduction in their rates. 

State Farm's Drive Safe & Save: Uses a mobile app with a Bluetooth beacon or built-in telematics in select vehicles.

Progressive's Snapshot: One of the pioneers in UBI, offering both a plug-in device and mobile app option.

Allstate's Drivewise: Uses a mobile app to track driving behavior and offer rewards.

Geico's DriveEasy: A mobile app-based program that monitors driving habits.

Liberty Mutual's RightTrack: Offers a choice between a plug-in device or mobile app.

It's important to note that while these programs can lead to significant savings for safe drivers, they may result in higher premiums for those deemed higher risk. Additionally, availability and specific features can vary by state due to differing insurance regulations.

Before enrolling in any UBI program, carefully review the terms and conditions, paying special attention to what data is collected, how it's used and how it might affect your premiums in both the short and long term.


It isn’t just the type of collected information that is a privacy concern. Many insurance companies have privacy policies that allow them to share your data with third parties. While State Farm says that it will not sell your Drive Safe & Save data, it does share some information with third parties.

Data sharing associated with Accident Assistance for Drive Safe & Save is with the driver's consent and intended to enhance the customer experience. For example, if needed, State Farm may share the vehicle location with a tow company and law enforcement if you are in a disabled vehicle. Additionally, if you are in a car accident, your insurance company may use your tracking data to assist with a claim.

Your idea of safe driving may differ from your insurance company’s. Some drivers have even seen their rates rise after using drive-tracking programs. It’s not just the insurance company that may have access to your driving information. With State Farm, named policyholders can see all trips recorded on all devices for the last 30 days.



While the specific amount of discount depends on the insurance company and driver, State Farm, for example, claims that those enrolled in its Drive Safe & Save program can initially save 10% by enrolling in the program with up to a 30% discount possible.

It is important to note that the percentage you can save may be capped in certain states, such as New York, where the discount is capped at 30%. This program is unavailable in states such as California, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. If you don’t drive much and drive safely, it can be a way to reduce your payments with your auto insurance company. With data being logged about your driving safety, it can be a great learning tool to accurately assess your driving habits.


Mary was spot on in pausing to contemplate the benefits and potential problems of allowing driving to be tracked by an insurance company. It’s important to weigh the potential benefits, such as possible discounts, against these privacy concerns. If you feel any discomfort or concern about the data they are collecting and how it is being used, this program offered by your insurance company might not be right for you. If you are already using a tracker and are uncomfortable, you should contact your insurance provider for guidance on removing the feature or app and your associated data.

Remember, it’s always crucial to read and understand the terms and conditions before using any app, especially those that collect personal data. It’s your data, and you have the right to know how it’s being used.

Are you part of any insurance tracking program? Do you feel the benefits outweigh the privacy concerns? Let us know by writing us at Cyberguy.com/Contact

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