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Woman slammed for her ‘carnivore crack’ snack recipe – as people dub her ‘insane’ and a ‘heart attack waiting to happen’

THERE’S plenty of food habits that divide people.

From the age-old debate of whether pineapple belongs on pizza to whether chocolate should be kept in the fridge or cupboard. 

Julie shared a “carnivore crack” recipe in a viral Instagram video[/caption]
People were horrified to discover what it’s actually made of[/caption]

One woman has sparked a brand new cuisine controversy after sharing her one-ingredient snack – which she calls “carnivore crack”. 

Food influencer Julie Smith, who promotes the keto diet on social media, has been dubbed a “heart attack waiting to happen”.

The keto diet involves eating lots of “good” fat and cutting out carbs to put the body in a state of ketosis. 

This metabolic process is where the body starts to burn fat reserves for energy as it has been starved of carbs for fuel. 

And as someone following the notoriously hard diet, where you can’t consume typical snacks like crisps and cereal bars, Julie makes her own snacks. 

This is what pushed her to whip up the controversial “carnivore crack” – which she even claimed “tastes like caramel” in a viral Instagram reel. 

Carnivore crack is simply melted, then frozen, butter. 

Julie’s recipe involved melting two sticks of butter in a saucepan and stirring it continuously until the liquid turns brown. 

She then pours the liquid into a baking tray and freezes it. 

When the mixture comes out of the freezer, it is in a frozen slab that you can break and crack into bark-like pieces. 

“It gives this beautiful, rich caramel flavour,” Julie claimed.

“I get why people are calling it carnivore crack. 

“It truly tastes like caramel. 

“This was ridiculously good – and yes, it’s just butter.” 

Is the high-fat carnivore diet healthy?

Carolina Goncalves, Superintendent Pharmacist at Pharmica told Fabulous: “The high-fat carnivore diet, similar to the ketogenic diet, involves the consumption of animal-based foods, especially those containing high levels of fat, as well as other high-fat foods such as butter. The potential benefits of this diet include weight loss, reduced inflammation, and mental clarity.

“According to research, a high-fat carnivore diet may help with weight loss due to the reduced carbohydrate intake and the increased satiety from high-fat foods. This is because the body typically switches from using food as its primary energy source to fat when carbohydrates are limited (a process known as ketosis). 

“Moreover, fats are more satiating than carbohydrates, meaning they can keep you full for longer. Therefore, eating a high-fat diet can help reduce overall calorie intake by making it less likely for the individual to eat more frequently.

“Regarding inflammation, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and other seafood that can feature in a high-fat carnivore diet can potentially help reduce inflammation by incorporating into cell membranes. It is also thought that these omega-3 fatty acids could have anti-inflammatory properties and affect neurotransmitter functions that support serotonin and dopamine levels. This may help with anxiety and depression symptoms, although the research on this is unclear.

“Having said this, the high-fat carnivore diet can adversely affect the body in numerous ways. The exclusion of plant-based foods such as fruit and vegetables can lead to nutrient deficiencies and a lack of vitamins and minerals to support bodily functions. In addition, the high intake of saturated fats can increase LDL cholesterol levels which could result in cardiovascular issues. Finally, the lack of dietary fibre in a high-fat carnivore diet, due to the absence of fibrous plant-based foods, can lead to digestive problems such as constipation.

“Overall, even though there are a few benefits to the high-fat carnivore diet, the lack of key food groups and nutrients can lead to health problems. It is therefore recommended to have a balanced diet to ensure overall bodily health and function.”

Melted butter looks like this when it has been frozen[/caption]

Social media reacts

Her one-ingredient recipe didn’t go down well on social media, as critics flocked to the comments of her Instagram video to weigh in. 

“You’re literally just eating f*****g brown butter? This is insanity,” one penned.

“What in the actual f**k,” another slammed. 

“I know you didn’t just freeze two sticks of butter and then promote it as healthy.”

“You made brown butter,” a third said. 

“Let’s call it brown butter instead of ‘crack’, which is a drug that has destroyed communities.”

Another critic joked that “actual crack is safer than this recipe”.

The NHS says…

Too much fat in your diet, especially saturated fats like in butter, can raise your cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart disease.

Medical guidelines state that men should not eat more than 30g of saturated fat a day and women should not eat more than 20g.

NHS guidance says: “As part of a healthy diet, you should try to cut down on foods and drinks that are high in saturated fats.

“Cholesterol is a fatty substance that’s mostly made by the body in the liver.

“Eating too much saturated fats in your diet can raise “bad” cholesterol in your blood, which can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.”

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