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Kamala blames Trump for horrible jobs report during Biden-Harris economy


There’s probably no one who gets a paycheck in America who hasn’t felt the sting of the horrible economy under the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration. The millionaires and billionaires are about the only ones not suffering – yet.

There’s been inflation higher than 20% since President Donald Trump turned over a 1.4% inflation rate to the Democrats.

The annual inflation reached 9% at one point. Interest rates have rocketed, putting home ownership out of reach for many. Grocery bills have exploded, utilities have multiplied and more. Multiple assessment have confirmed it costs families thousands and thousands of dollars more now to have the same lifestyle they had under Trump.

But this week’s horrific jobs report is Trump’s fault.

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That’s according to presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris,

The Bureau of Labor Statistics said on Friday the nation added 114,000 nonfarm payroll jobs in July.

That surged the unemployment rate to 4.3%.

A report from the Daily Caller News Foundation noted, “Economists anticipated that the country would add 175,000 jobs in July compared to the 206,000 added in initial estimates for June, and that the unemployment rate would remain stable at 4.1%, according to U.S. News and World Report.”

It continued, “Inflation has raised prices by more than 20% since President Joe Biden first took office in January 2021. The combination of high inflation and the increased borrowing costs from elevated interest rates have weighed on American wallets, with the percentage of credit card balances more than 60 days overdue reaching 2.59% in the first quarter, the highest rate of delinquency since records began in 2012.”

Fox News noted Harris’s explanation is to blame someone who hasn’t been in power in Washington since January 2021.

“Donald Trump failed Americans as president, costing our economy millions of jobs, and bringing us to the brink of recession,” Harris for President spokesperson James Singer said in the report.

“Now, he’s promising even more damage with a Project 2025 agenda that will decimate the middle class and increase taxes on working families, while ripping away health care, raising prescription drug costs, and cutting Social Security and Medicare — all while making his billionaire donors richer.”

Actually, the fact is Trump had no part in developing Project 2025, and in fact, has distanced himself from the plan.

Singer claimed Harris and Biden have “made significant progress, but Vice President Harris knows there’s more work to do to lower costs for families.”

The BLS report triggered a stock market fall, with Dow futures down some 500 points, meaning Americans’ retirement accounts took a huge hit based on the results of the Biden-Harris administration’s policies.

A Trump campaign press secretary pointed out, “Kamala Harris has proudly and repeatedly celebrated her role as Joe Biden’s co-pilot on ‘Bidenomics,’ She cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate for spending that put inflation on steroids, and despite the evidence that America’s working families are hurting she tells us these failed plans are working.

“The basic necessities of food, gas and housing are less affordable, unemployment is rising, and Kamala doesn’t seem to care,” she said.

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