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Investigation seeks to uncover White House role in special deal for 911 terrorists


The federal government announced just days ago a special deal for three of the 9/11 terrorists still held in Guantanamo Bay – a proposal to cancel any plans for a trial and consideration of the death penalty for the murders of nearly 3,000 on that day of terror – and just give them life sentences in prison.

Now an investigation has been launched to find out what influence Joe Biden, or presumptive Democrat nominee Kamala Harris, had on that decision.

The White House earlier claimed they were not even aware of the move until it was announced to the public.

But a report in the Daily Mail explained House Oversight Committee chief Rep. James Comer has written to the White House: “That White House officials and you, as President and Commander in Chief, would seek to distance your Administration from this decision is understandable given how absurd it is, but it is far from believable or appropriate.”

His letter came with a notification that an investigation is being opened into the Biden-Harris role in the “controversial plea deal” offered to Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, the alleged mastermind of the horrific atrocities that day, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin ‘Attach and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsasi.

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Firefighters who lost comrades, people who lost family members and others all have condemned the leniency involved in the plan.

Comer, R-Ky., charged that there is concern over the secrecy involved in the deal, including many details not yet released.

He is requiring a copy of the plea deal, all documents between the White House and Defense Department related to it and all discussions of avoiding the death penalty by August 16, the report said.

WND reported that the substance of the deal is that the terrorists will admit responsibility for the deaths of nearly 3,000 that day, but will be given life sentences and not face the death penalty.

Fox News reported a union representing New York firefighters reports its members are “disgusted and disappointed” with the deal.

“On behalf of New York City firefighters, especially the survivors of the September 11th terrorist attack who are living with the illnesses and injuries that were inflicted upon us that day, we are disgusted and disappointed that these three terrorists were given a plea deal and allowed to escape the ultimate justice while each month three more heroes from the FDNY are dying from World Trade Center illnesses,” stated Andrew Ansbro, the chief of the FDNY Uniformed Firefighters Association.

“9/11 Justice President Brett Eagleson added, “While we acknowledge the decision to avoid the death penalty, our primary concern remains access to these individuals for information. These plea deals should not perpetuate a system of closed-door agreements, where crucial information is hidden without giving the families of the victims the chance to learn the full truth.”

Newsweek said the announcement “sparked fury.”

“For me personally, I wanted to see a trial,” said Terry Strada, head of a group of families of victims, 9/11 Families United.

“And they just took away the justice I was expecting, a trial and the punishment.”

Michael Burke, who lost family, told legacy wire service AP it “always been disgraceful that these guys, 23 years later, have not been convicted and punished for their attacks, or the crime.”

He continued, “I think people would be shocked if you could go back in time and tell the people who just watched the towers go down, ‘Oh, hey, in 23 years, these guys who are responsible for this crime we just witnessed are going to be getting plea deals so they can avoid death and serve life in prison.'”

Sen. Mitch McConnell said the deals were a “revolting abdication of the government’s responsibility to defend America and provide justice.”

House Speaker Mike Johnson added, “For more than two decades, the families of those murdered by these terrorists have waited for justice. This plea deal is a slap in the face of those families. They deserved better from the Biden-Harris Administration.”

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