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Kamala Harris is “Exciting” Radical Democrat Voters Who Want More Abortions

PBS’s most biased reporter, White House correspondent Laura Barron-Lopez, showed still more excitement about the fledgling Kamala Harris campaign at a rally in Atlanta, on Tuesday’s edition of the PBS News Hour.

In the show intro, anchor Geoff Bennett pumped up Democratic optimism in red-leaning Georgia: Vice president Kamala Harris campaigns in Georgia, a state that’s now even more hotly contested than expected…”

Geoff Bennett: ….Our Laura Barron-Lopez joins us now on the ground in Atlanta. So, Laura, some 10,000 people, at least 10,000 people have registered for that rally tonight where you are. I know you have been talking to folks as they make their way into that stadium. What have they been telling you? How are they feeling?

Reporting from the stadium rally, Barron-Lopez hammered on the “excited” voters theme, and the “incredibly important” issue of abortion rights, or as Bennett put it, “reproductive rights.” Then Barron-Lopez tried to get out the black vote for Harris, pivoting to a pre-recorded in-studio interview.

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Laura Barron-Lopez: Well, people have been lined up out here, Geoff, since before 10:00 a.m. at this venue in Atlanta. And a lot of the voters are incredibly excited. For some of them, it’s the first time that they have come to a big political rally. And I also sat down with three black women voters earlier today to talk to them about the election cycle. And those voters, I asked them how they feel about all of the big changes that have occurred in this election just in the last week.

[Video clip]

Barron-Lopez: Prior to President Biden dropping out of the race, how would you describe how you felt about the election in one word?

Woman: I hate to say it, but I mean, I really felt this sense of doom and dread.

Rachel Mitchum Elahee, Georgia Voter: Nervous.

Woman: I felt scared.

Laura Barron-Lopez: And how do you feel now?

Woman: Rejuvenated.

Rachel Mitchum Elahee: Hopeful.

Woman: Optimistic.

[End of clip]

Laura Barron-Lopez: And that mood matches what we have been hearing from voters here waiting to see Harris, which is that they feel much better now about Democrats’ chances in the presidential race than they did before.

(No more happy talk about the now-discarded Biden to be forthcoming from Barron-Lopez, then?) Barron-Lopez found a dubious first for Harris: She visited an abortion clinic!

Geoff Bennett: So, Laura, the vice president’s speech tonight, as I understand it, is expected to have a sharp focus on reproductive rights. How important of an issue is that for the voters with whom you spoke earlier?

Laura Barron-Lopez: Well, it’s an incredibly important issue, Geoff. And Vice President Harris has been the face of the White House’s messaging on abortion since the fall of Roe v. Wade. The vice president herself went in March to an abortion clinic. She was the first vice president or president sitting in that office that had ever visited an abortion clinic at the time. And one of the voters that I spoke to today, Rachel Mitchum Elahee, said that she thinks that Harris will be a much better messenger on abortion rights than President Biden.

Rachel Mitchum Elahee: And if the president of the United States is a woman who is speaking for women’s rights and women’s reproductive rights, I think that that will sway some people more than — even if President Biden was saying the same thing, I think President Harris — President Harris saying the same thing will have a different impact.

Laura Barron-Lopez: Rachel, as well as the other black women voters that I spoke to, said that abortion is still one of their top issues and that they think that it’s really salient for voters here in Georgia.

To keep the Kamala-mania rolling, PBS anchor Geoff Bennett next interviewed a (nominally) Republican mayor from the border state of Arizona who endorsed Harris for president.

This “excited” episode of Kalama-mania was brought to you in part by Consumer Cellular, and taxpayers like you.

LifeNews Note: Clay Waters is the director of Times Watch, an MRC project tracking the New York Times. Click here to follow Clay Waters on Twitter. This article originally appeared at NewsBusters.

The post Kamala Harris is “Exciting” Radical Democrat Voters Who Want More Abortions appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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