BP1 wrote:
I know a number of people who have in recent times drifted away from the sport (Fc and rovers). They find other things to do, to occupy their time and money in more enjoyable ways and after a while 'going to the rugby' becomes a thing of their past. Loyal supporters of many years, decades even, lost for good.
Club sport is unusual in that, unlike other aspects of 'entertainment', there is an assumption (from club owners, game administrators, tv companies) that the audience will continue to turn up, blindly and unquestioning, no matter how much dross is served up to them over a period of time. This isn't specific to our club, but to all clubs in all sports (football, rugby, cricket, etc.). There is an unwritten assumption that the paying customer will dutifully turn up at the next game no matter what the circumstances! Indeed, you're almost painted as less of a supporter if you don't turn up to watch another helping of rubbish!
This wouldn't happen anywhere else. If you like a particular band or singer, for example, and the standard of their work declined, you don't go on buying their latest album just because you did in the past earlier in their career, when they were still half-decent. If the product isn't up to scratch, why should the audience continue to fork out for it.
I fear there are a number of people, such as yourself, who have grown tired of the sub-standard product from Hull fc these past few years and who have come to resent being taken for granted for far too long. When long-standing supporters drift away from the game, they rarely return and I do wonder how much damage has been impacted on our supporter base, particularly in these last dreadful three seasons.
The apathy from FC supporters is clear to see and little wonder.
Nothing to show at the moment that next season will be any more interesting or exciting for the lost fans.to return in numbers.
The club also need to get back to playing on a Sunday ex Sky contracted games as Saturday doesnt work and also conflicts with football
The game has also kicked itself in the teeth by having all games televised and this needs to be rectified next season to try and gets more fans into the stadiums
Statistics: Posted by bonaire — Fri Aug 02, 2024 7:27 pm