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BehaviorSMART launches beSMART platform

BehaviorSMART, leading global travel and tourism sustainability consultancy firm, announced the launch of the first-of-its-kind Sustainability-Advisory-as-a-Service platform – beSMART. Grounded in behavioral economics – a field that draws insights from psychology and neuroscience – the beSMART Platform guides users through learning paths that break sustainability goals into actionable steps, encouraging tourism professionals and travelers to make sustainable choices that are both beneficial and easy to implement.

This hub-and-spoke platform empowers Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) and Destination Management Companies (DMCs) to enable their local suppliers to deliver sustainable experiences seamlessly. The beSMART Platform facilitates the integration of environmental, social, and economic sustainability practices, transforming micro tactics into macro impacts across the tourism supply chain.

Initial launch partners include European Travel Commission, Visit Finland, S-Cape Travel, Uplift Project North Carolina, and NorReg. These travel and tourism organizations are already
leveraging beSMART to enhance the sustainability of their local tourism networks, setting a new standard for the industry. Early-bird access is available for select partners, providing an
opportunity to be at the forefront of sustainable tourism innovation.

Addressing Industry Challenges

Despite ongoing sustainability innovations in recent years, global tourism continues to face environmental challenges and fails to meet growing customer expectations. Responsible for up
to 10% of global carbon emissions, the travel and tourism industry outpaces many other industries in its environmental impact. From transportation and accommodation to food and
beverage service, the tourism industry collectively leaves a massive footprint that can be devastating to local economies and fragile ecosystems.

Local hotels and suppliers still often rely on single-use plastics, restaurants visibly waste food, tour operators’ buses idle needlessly, and many experiences lack cultural authenticity.

These challenges persist despite the growing efforts towards sustainability and many travel and tourism businesses, particularly small and medium-sized, fall short because they need more
resources and expertise to adopt sustainable practices effectively.

The beSMART Platform addresses these challenges head-on:

  • It enables suppliers to design green or sustainable travel options with just a few clicks.
  • Utilizes behavior-smart designs and subtle prompts to position the sustainable choice as the traveler’s primary option when selecting travel products and services.
  • Simplifies the decision-making process for travelers, making sustainability the convenient choice.

By leveraging behavioral economics, the platform encourages both tourism professionals and travelers alike to make sustainable choices effortlessly across environmental, social, and
economic dimensions. This approach results in measurable positive outcomes, including:

  • Reduced carbon footprint: Using beSMART leads to significant reductions in emissions from travel and operations, meeting environmental goals and regulations, and enhancing travel brand’s appeal.
  • Decreased single-use plastics and overall waste output: By reducing reliance on single-use plastics and minimizing waste, businesses not only help the environment but also cut disposal costs and attract the growing market of environmentally conscious travelers.
  • Improved water conservation: beSMART helps businesses understand how to conserve vital water resources across your services benefiting both your business and the environment.

The beSMART Platform enhances operational efficiency for travel and tourism businesses, too.

By integrating sustainable practices, companies can achieve:

  • Cost savings: By adopting sustainable practices recommended by the platform, companies achieve cost savings through reduced energy consumption and waste management costs.
  • Improved resource efficiency: Optimizing resource usage, not only in energy and water but across all other essential resources, boosts operational efficiency and profitability.
  • Optimized asset utilization: The beSMART Platform helps businesses maximize the use of their existing assets, from buildings to vehicles, reducing the need for new purchases and minimizing idle resources.

Furthermore, the platform serves as a dedicated marketing coordinator, helping travel and tourism businesses not only implement sustainability practices but also effectively communicate them to customers. This approach enhances brand reputation and attracts conscious travelers at a fraction of the cost of employing a full-time sustainability manager.

Through the beSMART Platform, DMOs and DMCs can support all their suppliers, ensuring everyone meets sustainability standards, thereby fostering a network of trusted, sustainable partners and enhancing overall industry credibility.

The beSMART Platform was developed by the team behind BehaviorSMART, renowned for their expertise in behavioral economics and sustainable tourism. Leading the team is Milena Nikolova, Chief Behavior Officer and Co-founder of BehaviorSMART. Milena is an expert in applying insights about human behavior to sustainability and travel solutions. She is the driving force behind the prestigious Sustainability Leadership Series on Behavioral Economics, a collaboration with Harvard University and the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), and is also the author of the first book exploring the potential of behavioral sciences in addressing strategic issues within the travel industry.

The article BehaviorSMART launches beSMART platform first appeared in TravelDailyNews International.

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