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Featured Artist: Alexey Moore


Featured Artist: Alexey Moore

We are so excited to feature artist Alexey Moore! Alexey Moore is a Tucson-based painter, cartoonist, and shadow puppeteer, whose artistry blends cosmopolitan experience with meticulous research. Her mastery of form and color never fails to evoke a profound and singular emotional impact upon the beholder.

Where are you from?

I was born in Frankfurt, Germany. My father taught English for the military so we weren’t technically in the military. This meant that we were considered “citizens” and I couldn’t attend the army base school. I spoke german and went to the german schools. I had a neat childhood.

What got you started making art?

My mother always encouraged my artistic endeavors. I can’t remember a time that I didn’t draw. I would create characters and draw out their adventures on my father’s typewriter paper as I listened to music; sometimes matching the drawings to the lyrics.

What’s your artistic background? (experience, education, etc.)

We moved back to the States (Connecticut) when I was 12 years old and I always excelled in art classes. When it was time to go to college I really wasn’t ready, nor could my family afford higher education. I did take some summer courses at the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts where I discovered I had a real talent and love for drawing people especially.

Eventually we moved to Tucson, AZ and I took as many art classes as Pima Community College had to offer. In 2008 I was accepted to The Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland Oregon and I got my Bachelors in Illustration.

Who or what are your biggest artists’ influences?

I’m always carrying a biography of an artist that has influenced me in some way. There are just too many influences to list. My one rule for the celebrities that I draw on bicycles is that they have inspired me in some way. One of my favorite things to do is to really get to know the celebrity I draw on a bicycle. I call them up on the telephone and let them dish all their dirty gossip. No not really. I research them to death before slapping them on that bike.

I paint, draw cartoons and create shadow puppet shows. For each of these I pull inspiration from other artists. In my paintings I aim to paint as vividly as Vermeer, and as playfully as Toulouse Lautrec. My Shadow puppetry is very inspired by Jim Henson particularly in the way his work spoke to all ages. My puppetry also draws from the work of Kara Walker in her slightly disturbing subject matter. I don’t get as dark as she does but I like how her cut outs look cute from a distance and then when you get up close it’s pretty disturbing. I like that dichotomy.

My cartoon series which is entitled ‘Disgruntled Baristas’ is the love child of Peanuts and Sex and The City. I drew and created this cartoon series during the pandemic and it is somewhat autobiographical. It is inspired by my artistic and eccentric friends and family.

Anything else?

I was recently approached by Microcosm Publishing about turning ‘Disgruntled Baristas’ into a book. The coloring book was already published as a Zine but this next step is very exciting.

What brought you to BICAS?

When I initially moved here in 2006 my super cool co-worker at Epic Cafe, who would eventually become my bestie, introduced me to Bicas. She and her boyfriend had a plethora of bicycles and would lend me one for these to go on group rides that were hosted by Bicas.We would ride out into the middle of the desert and watch these incredibly beautiful performances by Flam Chen. It was rad. Shortly afterwards I participated in the Art Auctions. My Celebrities on Bicycles have been chillin’ with you kids for years.

How has BICAS affected you?

I bought a bicycle from you in 2008 and that’s when I started riding around Tucson. That was my training for my eventual move to Portland, Oregon where I rode my bike to work every day.

Why did you work with BICAS at Art Mart?

I love the built in audience that Bicas has. I am also a scrappy kid and have always felt like I was amongst my peers when I have a market at Bicas.

Where can we find you?

My website is a work in progress: alexeymoore.com I also sell my work at Art House Centro in the Old Town Artisan complex. I have work for sale in Bisbee at Tumbleweeds Mining Company and Bisbee Books and Music. You can email me directly at lxmoore3@gmail.com and I will happily print you any celebrity bike card, and or print you may desire.

Check out her Instagram for more of her work!

The post Featured Artist: Alexey Moore first appeared on .

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