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Today Show's Craig, Savannah, Hoda and Al talk 2024 Paris Olympics

PARIS (WAVY) - WAVY-TV 10's Marielena Balouris got the opportunity to talk to the cast of the Today Show about the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Watch the full interview with Craig, Savannah, Hoda and Al, where they talk about all things Olympics.

Marielena: Good morning Hampton Roads and welcome! We are here on the set of the Today Show with a team that needs no introduction — Craig, Savannah, Hoda and Al, thanks so much! It's great to see you all, I'm so excited to chat all things Olympics with you. Craig I want to start with you, what has been a moment that has stood out to you here in Paris?

Craig: Oh, we were just talking about this, uh, a few moments ago, the three- the four of us. I don't know if you saw the woman's rugby team, the seven by sevens, like, that finish so far has probably been the best finish of these Olympics. And the best part, for me at least, they helped put rugby on the map back in the states for a lot of girls. So, they see them actually win the first medal for Team USA in that sport. For me so far, that's probably been the most exhilarating moment, but, I mean, we still have more than a week to go.

Marielena: Which is crazy, because we've had so many spectacular moments already, and, yeah, we got a lot more to go. Al, I have been so impressed with the Team USA fans, who have been here. What have you seen from people?

Al: Well, you know, that's what's been great about this Olympics. It's the first Olympics in a long time that we've had fans in the stands, and families and all those folks coming together. And people are just so excited, they're so happy to be here, to support Team USA, and they're just in a great mood. This is a party, they're in Paris, you know, so many families, I mean, probably thought, 'You know what, not only do we want our kids to be able to root on Team USA, you know, but we want to make this, this great cultural vacation, you know. To see these museums and all the- it is just-

Behind the scenes video:

Hoda: And you've seen Al on the plaza, Al's rocking our plaza by the way. They're just, they're looking for Al, and that's where the plaza ends up being. Wherever Roker goes, they go.

Al: They just start chanting USA and, you know, we're having a party!

Marielena: I love it, it's been so much fun at every competition, every venue. Uh, I've also loved Hoda, watching you watch gymnastics is great, right? It is! It is!

Savannah: We have a Hoda cam - a special camera just to capture it.

Marielena: How did you become so close with that team?

Hoda: Um, I think, I think just back in Rio, we just became so close to them. They were so young and little, and they just, I felt that they needed us a lot. And we love that, and I think it sorta cemented in Tokyo because I think we were what they had. I mean, it was such a weird time — you couldn't hug the athletes, they're parents weren't allowed to be there. It was the first time Simone [Biles]'s mom Nelly hadn't been in a competition, nor did any of the girls have their parents there. So, I think they needed us, and we sort of needed them, and it was just such a rough time. And they say bonds are sometimes formed during the tough times, I feel like that's when it was formed, and now here they are. They're standing strong, which is just fun to see them in this moment, um, just really enjoying it and so get in because they worked for it and they earned it.

Al: You know, that's this, it's this sacred trust and bond that is just so special to watch.

Hoda: Oh, thank you Al.

Marielena: I'm guessing you're going tonight?

Hoda: Of course, are you kidding me? Wait, look, I have a, here's a Suni bracelet, okay, and I got a Simone, there's a Simone Biles bracelet. I don't what happened, they just pop up. I'm loaded down.

Marielena: It's good stuff, it's good stuff. And, Savanah, I want to ask you, you know, in a time in the world where there seems to be chaos and hardships, it seems like the Olympics is what brings the world together. Can you talk about what you've seen and what you've experienced in that way?

Savannah: I think that's what it's always meant to be, and I think that's what people so, so much want to see and to feel. And, it doesn't say that those hard things aren't still going on, it doesn't paper over that. But, it's just nice to have some good sportsmanship, and the best of us, this excellence on display, and these beautiful stories that every athlete, if you are here, and you are an athlete, you have an amazing story of excellence and resilience, and I think, you know, for us to cheer on Team USA, I think that's why it's been so big back in the states. Everyone is watching the Olympics, everyone is talking about the Olympics because it feels so good to be on the same team.

Marielena: So many amazing stories to tell.

Hoda: Right? I know, I know. They're just going to keep coming.

Craig: Yeah, we aren't even halfway there. We still got track and field!

Marielena: Right! So much to go. Well, thank you all for joining us — wait, I do have to give you, our WAVY News 10 pin. If you are out, sorry, I dropped yours. If you're out and about on the streets, you'll see they are Parisian street signs, you know, trying to be festive.

Savannah: I love it!

Al: It's very retro.

Craig: Thank you WAVY!

Savannah: It's a street sign from Paris! Rue de WAVY!

Marielena: Rue de WAVY! We are going to rename our street that. Thank you all so much for joining me, I appreciate it so much, we'll send it back to you guys.

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