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Venezuela: International organizations condemn the high levels of violence and repression and demand that the authorities guarantee the right to protest and full respect for the rights to life, personal integrity and freedom

In the context of the post-electoral protests in Venezuela and the documented disproportionate use of force by Venezuelan security forces, we, the undersigned organizations, demand respect for and guarantee of the right to freedom of expression, assembly and peaceful protest. We call on the authorities to refrain from criminalizing protest and to comply fully with international standards and norms on the use of force.

The protests in Venezuela take place in a context following the presidential elections held last Sunday, July 28, 2024, whose transparency has been highly questioned by the international community. The Carter Center, one of the two international technical observation missions invited and accredited by the Venezuelan National Electoral Council itself, declared that “the 2024 presidential election in Venezuela did not meet international standards of electoral integrity and cannot be considered democratic”.

State authorities and public security forces must respect the right to protest, the protection of which is an essential element in democracies and a historical tool for claiming rights. It is also a way for citizens to participate in matters of public interest. Likewise, authorities must avoid the use of speeches that encourage and incite violence against people exercising their legitimate right to participate in peaceful demonstrations, as well as avoid stigmatization against civil society organizations.

After the elections and up to the publication of this statement, national organizations have registered at least 11 deaths and have identified the use of lethal weapons by alleged armed civilians linked to the security forces and possible public force. The undersigned organizations condemn the use of this weaponry and recall that in no case can lethal force be used to control demonstrations. According to international standards, the deprivation of the right to life in the context of the use of force by the State would be arbitrary and, in some cases, an extrajudicial execution. These facts must be investigated promptly, independently and impartially and with due diligence.

Thus, the pre-electoral and post-electoral context in Venezuela has been marked by repression and multiple human rights violations, including a serious pattern of politically motivated detentions, potentially unlawful killings, restrictions on freedom of the press, and internet shutdowns. We are particularly concerned about the hundreds of arbitrary detentions after July 28 documented by national organizations, which continue to receive information of new cases and carry out this documentation work in an extremely adverse context.

Furthermore, we are particularly alarmed by the criminalization of the protest and, in particular, by the statements made by Attorney General Tarek William Saab who informed the press that more than 749 people have been arrested in connection with the protests. They are being accused of “violent acts” and will be charged with crimes such as public instigation, obstruction of public roads, instigation to hatred, resistance to authority and, in the most serious cases, terrorism. In addition, they will be sentenced to imprisonment.

We recall that the State of Venezuela is obligated under Article 68 of its Constitution and international law to respect and protect, without discrimination, the rights of all demonstrators, as well as protest observers, bystanders and journalists. The use of force constitutes a violation of this obligation if it does not conform to international standards including the principles of legality, necessity, proportionality, precaution, non-discrimination and accountability. Authorities in Venezuela have an obligation to de-escalate conflict, use non-violent means, use force in a progressive and differentiated manner, and respect the right to political participation through the electoral process.

Taking into account the internet outages documented in the electoral context, we recall that internet access is intimately related to the right to protest as it allows denouncing abuses, communicating in real time and organizing peacefully. Internet blockades affect freedom of expression and access to information, essential for democracy and pluralism. Restrictions on internet access during protest contexts are commonly used as a form of repression and control to limit the ability of the population to mobilize and exercise their rights freely inside and outside the digital space.

It is crucial that all persons be able to freely exercise their right to freedom of expression, assembly and association without fear for their physical integrity and life. Furthermore, Venezuelan authorities must ensure that no one is prosecuted or deprived of liberty for peacefully exercising their rights.

Finally, we call on the international community to demand respect for the civil and political rights of people in Venezuela. We also invite the international justice mechanisms to remain alert to possible serious human rights violations in the context of the protests that have been taking place since July 28 and to include the documentation of such international crimes in the ongoing international justice mechanisms such as the UN Fact-Finding Mission or the International Criminal Court.

Signatory organizations

  • Amnesty International
  • Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL)
  • International Commission of Jurists
  • Freedom House
  • Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
  • International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights
  • International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT)
  • Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA)
  • World Organization Against Torture (OMCT)
  • Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights

For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact press@amnesty.org

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