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Summertime drives an uptick in serotonin release; warm weather, sunshine increase happy moods naturally

Many people experience a boost in their mood when the weather is warm.

There are lots of different reasons for this, most of which are indirectly related to the season, such as being able to socialize with others and traveling more than you likely do during colder months.

One big factor that can play into a summer mood boost is sunlight, as it increases the release of serotonin, the body's natural mood booster.


Read on to see five possible factors that play into a boost in happiness in the summer and how to keep moods high through chilly winter months.

The sun alone makes us happy.

Sunlight is thought to increase the release of serotonin in the brain, which is a hormone associated with boosting one's mood and helping an individual feel a sense of calm, according to Healthline.

In the summer, we spend hours on end out in the sun, whereas during the winter, we don't spend much time in it at all.


During winter, many experience something called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is a type of depression triggered by the change in season. For most, these symptoms start to appear in the fall and continue into winter, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. 

The specific causes of SAD are unknown, but a decrease in sunlight, which can affect your body's internal clock and serotonin levels, could play a part, according to the source.

Simply spending more time in the sun can greatly increase our mood, a luxury that locations that have all four seasons don't get all year.

During days when you are spending time out in the sun, make sure that you are regularly applying sunscreen to keep your skin protected.

One way to combat the lack of sunlight in winter is by finding outdoor winter activities that you enjoy, like snowboarding and skiing.

In the summer, we spend a lot more time outside and in nature.


There are a lot more outdoor activities to do in the summer months, like going to the beach, lying out by the pool, visiting an outdoor restaurant, seeing an outdoor concert and more.

In colder months, it can be harder to come up with fun activities to do, especially outdoor ones. 

Most winter activities happen in indoor environments.

Summer is full of socializing events. 

Between Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, summer birthdays, weddings, barbecues, pool parties and casual hangouts, we are often surrounded by people in the summer.

This can be a huge boost to moods and make the season a lot more fun than others.

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During the winter, people can quickly get the feeling of isolation and loneliness. 

To avoid this during colder months, try to plan events often, even if it is just a small game night or movie night. Keep surrounding yourself with others to avoid those winter blues.

People often take time off in the summer for vacationing and traveling, an obvious mood booster. 

Vacations also help split up the work weeks, giving you something to look forward to and cherish.

If you're able to, try to take a vacation during the winter months, especially if you are feeling down and missing that summer weather.

One other great thing about traveling during the winter is that the destination will most likely be a lot less crowded than it is in the summer, when it's prime travel time. 

To keep the summer mood all year, consider planning a trip during the winter versus the summer. 

This will keep your mood up when summer concludes because you'll have a tropical trip right around the corner. 

During summer, days are the longest in the Northern Hemisphere.

Dark winter mornings make it difficult to rise from bed. Hours of daylight lost during colder months can make you feel drowsy and experience the illusion that it's later than it actually is.

Take advantage of summer's long days by spending time outside during the same evening hours that would otherwise be dark in the winter.

Have a fire with friends, go for a refreshing evening swim or listen to live music at an outdoor restaurant.

In the winter, open up your blinds as early as possible to help yourself get sun exposure, take on outdoor winter activities and keep a good diet and exercise to avoid feeling fatigued throughout the day.

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