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Terrifying footage shows plane ripped open on runway after slamming into second aircraft packed with passengers

ALARMING footage shows a plane with a giant hole in it after another aircraft slammed into it on the runway.

The two planes, which were packed full of passengers, collided on Monday moments after one aircraft landed at the airport.

A runway collision left a Boeing plane with a gaping hole in the aircraft[/caption]
The Boeing 737 was preparing for take-off when it was hit in the tail[/caption]

The mishap unfolded on the runway at Congonhas Airport in São Paulo, Brazil, on July 29.

Passengers were onboard a Gol Boeing 737-8 MAX at around 5 pm as it prepared for takeoff.

A Latam Airbus A319 had just landed moments earlier and ran into the Boeing plane while taxiing to the airport’s parking gate.

The tip of the Latam plane’s left wing struck the tail cone of the Boeing plane, causing a tear in the aircraft.

A hole was also ripped in the lower part of the fuselage of the Boeing plane.

Meanwhile, the Latam plane had minor damage to its wing and moderate damage to the tail.

Boeing and Latam said both planes involved in the collision were sent for maintenance.

No injuries were reported and passengers got off the planes safely, both airlines said.

Gol rerouted passengers on the Boeing 737 flight, who were heading to Florianópolis, to another plane.

Latam reportedly canceled two flights – one from São Paulo Congonhas to Curitiba and another coming back to Congonhas.

The airline said it offered assistance to passengers affected by the incident and relocated them to other flights.

“LATAM has already accommodated on other flights all passengers impacted on Monday (29/7) by the cancellations of their original flights in Congonhas, following the incident on the ground with another company’s aircraft,” Latam said in a statement, according to Aeroflap.

“The LATAM aircraft involved in the incident remains under maintenance and the company is investigating what happened to continue adopting all technical and operational measures for a safe trip for everyone.”


BOEING has faced scrutiny in 2024 after a series of concerning malfunctions.

Here’s a list of some of the biggest incidents regarding the aircraft maker:

  • January 5 – An Alaska Airlines flight is forced to make an emergency landing after a window was ripped out mid-flight.
  • January 24 – A Delta flight loses its front tire during takeoff at the Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • March 7 – A wheel drops from a United Airlines flight heading to Japan during takeoff.
  • March 13 – A Boeing 777 is spotted leaking hydraulic fluid during takeoff for a United Airlines flight from Sydney, Australia, to San Francisco, California.
  • March 14 – An American Airlines flight has to make an emergency landing after one of its tires blew out.
  • March 19 – The windscreen on a Boeing 737 cracks as an Alaskan Airlines flight makes its landing.
  • March 31 – A pilot on a United Airlines flight is forced to return to Frankfurt Airport after feces from the waste tank in one of the toilets overflowed, causing a foul smell in the cabin.
  • April 2 – An Alaska Airlines flight is forced to return to the airport after a faulty bathroom overflowed and sent water flowing down the cabin.
  • April 8 – A Southwest Airlines flight has to make an emergency landing in Denver, Colorado, after the engine cover ripped off mid-flight.

The U.S. Sun has reached out to Boeing and Latam for comment.

This isn’t the first time that Boeing has made headlines with a terrifying runway incident lately.

Just weeks before the collision in Brazil, a packed Boeing jet faced a nightmare take-off when the aircraft’s tail scraped the runway.

Coincidentally, the plane was also heading to São Paulo when the jet grated along the runway for 10 seconds.

Video showed debris falling off the aircraft as thick plumes of grey smoke erupted from the plane while it circled around the Milan Malpensa Airport.

Italian authorities said they were working with Brazilian and US officials to investigate the blunder.

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