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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Alameda mayor: Mass killing highlights need for mental health services

Our hearts are broken. On July 10, a horrific tragedy occurred in our community when an Alameda resident shot five family members in their home, including his young sons, 6-year-old William and 14-month-old Wesley; wife Brenda Natali Morales; Brenda’s mother, Marta Morales Diaz; and Marta’s husband, Miguel Angel Carcamo Ramirez, all of whom died from their injuries.

At a July 14 memorial on the steps of City Hall we honored and remembered the precious lives lost. William’s Little League coach, Ariel Abalos, recalled William’s love of baseball, that he was the fastest runner and strongest thrower on the team and that he enjoyed drills so much that he sometimes cut the line to do more of them.

Other speakers offered constructive advice and information about community resources to help prevent another tragedy. They included Katherine Schwartz, the executive director of Alameda Family Services, a community-based behavioral health care clinic that provides mental health services to families, children, adults and couples and also works with the Alameda Unified School District.

Katherine encouraged anyone who is struggling with mental health issues, experiencing difficulty coping with life’s stresses or having suicidal thoughts, or knows someone who is, to call 988 to be connected with trained crisis intervention counselors 24 hours a day. Assistance is provided in English, Spanish and many other languages. Please don’t hesitate to call 988. Help is always available.

To contact Alameda Family Services call 510-629-6300 or email info@alamedafs.org. For more information visit their website at alamedafs.org.

Liz Varela, the executive director of the group Building Futures, shared information about support services her organization provides for those experiencing domestic violence. This includes safe and confidential shelter; referrals for legal and other services; and a 24-hour crisis line.

If you need help to escape domestic violence or know someone who does, please call the 24-hour, toll-free crisis line 866-A-WAY-OUT (866-292-9688). You’ll find more information online at bfwc.org.

Alameda Police Chief Nishant Joshi provided an overview of California’s “red flag” laws, or gun violence restraining orders (GVROs), which temporarily remove guns and ammunition from people who are considered threats to themselves or others. This process, which is not a criminal proceeding and doesn’t involve an arrest, can be initiated by certain family or household members, employers, co-workers and teachers.

If you are aware of a situation in which a GVRO may be appropriate call the Alameda Police Department’s nonemergency number at 510-337-8340. If you witness an incident involving a gun, call 911.

Democracy depends on you. On July 3, I was honored to address 76 proud new U.S. citizens from 31 different countries at a naturalization ceremony aboard the USS Hornet Sea, Air & Space Museum. I acknowledged the courage, determination, and years it took them to become naturalized citizens and told them that “as U.S. citizens, you now have a stake in, and a responsibility for, our country’s future.”

Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft is the mayor of Alameda. (photo courtesy of Maurice Ramirez — BANG archives) 

I urged these new Americans to register to vote and vote in every election from the top of the ballot to the bottom — not just because it is now their right but because our local communities — and our entire nation — are stronger when we are all active participants in our democracy.

This same advice holds true for those of us who are already U.S. citizens. As we approach the November election, please register to vote if you’re not already registered, or if you’ve moved since the last election. Visit the Alameda County Registrar of Voters website at acvote.org for more information.

Sorry, Fido, no dogs at Alameda’s beaches. We love dogs in Alameda, but they’re not allowed at our beaches, neither the south shore beach nor Crown Memorial Beach, which are East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) properties. This summer EBRPD police have increased their beach patrols and will issue citations to those who bring dogs to the beach. Bring Fido to one of Alameda’s dog parks instead.

Finally, I came across this wise advice to Otis Owls on the sign in front of Otis Elementary School: “Be Safe. Be Kind. Be Your Best.” Be Alameda Strong too!

Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft is the mayor of Alameda.

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