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Isle of Man Ship Registry 40th Anniversary Vowing to Drive Decarbonization

[By: The Isle of Man Ship Registry]

The Isle of Man Ship Registry (IOMSR) is to celebrate the 40th anniversary of its founding this year with a series of events as it seeks to cement its position as one of the world’s most progressive flag states.

The IOMSR is planning signature events during the Isle of Man’s Maritime Conference on July 19, and at Trinity House in London in September to thank its clients and partners and present its vision for the future.

IOMSR director Cameron Mitchell said it is vital the registry continues to lead by example as a Category 1 member of the Red Ensign Group, representing more than a third of tonnage under the famous Red Ensign.  He said safety, seafarer welfare and decarbonization are the pillars of future growth.

“Since establishing in 1984 we have grown by being a quality flag of choice,” he said. “Today, quality is constantly being tested by advanced technology and pressures being exerted on the maritime industry. Shipowners and Operators as a result need more from their flag states particularly in how we care for our seafarer’s mental health and well-being. Without ensuring the psychological and physical safety of our seafarers our industry will struggle to implement effective Equality, Diversity and Inclusion standards, goals, policies and procedures. Meeting the IMO 2050 GHG targets will require greater data transparency and collaboration across maritime. Flag states cannot be passive bystanders we must be at the heart of taking positive action as a dynamic partner.  In recent years, we have continued our commitment to innovation, becoming the first flag state to offer reduced registration fees for ships deploying green technology. We are the first flag state to join the Getting to Zero Coalition which is driving the decarbonisation agenda.”

“We are also the first flag state to launch a seafarer welfare app with partners like Stella Maris, Nautilus International and the International Seafarers Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN). Seafarer wellbeing is very important to me and my predecessor Dick Welsh, as former seafarers ourselves. We have more than 7,000 seafarers on IOMSR vessels. It is our duty to ensure that seafarer and vessel safety, whilst embracing the latest technological advances including alternative fuels for ships, remains paramount.

Mr. Mitchell said the IOMSR has grown into one of the highest ranked in the world by building trusted relationships with its clients.

“The Red Ensign due to its track record and heritage is synonymous with the highest standards of safety, engineering and navigation in the global maritime industry,” he said. “We never forget this and take this responsibility very seriously.  We thank all our shipping line clients who we work so closely with providing that 24/7 service as a trusted partner and part of their team. That has been the key to our success and what we intend to celebrate and build on this year as we mark our 40th anniversary.”  

Mr. Mitchell also paid tribute to the Isle of Man’s vibrant maritime industry.

“The last 40 years has seen the IOMSR diversify and grow along with the Isle of Man Maritime cluster around us,” he said. “Our growth would not have been possible without the support of countless people and businesses who make up the island’s maritime centre of excellence including ship and yacht management, crew management, insurance, IT, law, cyber security, professional services and finance. The Isle of Man gets maritime and is always open to welcome more maritime business from around the world.”

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