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WISTA UK Celebrates 50 Years of Championing Diversity and Inclusion


The Women's International Shipping & Trading Association UK (WISTA UK) marked its 50th anniversary with a celebratory event highlighting five decades of progress and ongoing efforts to promote diversity and inclusion within the maritime industry. The event, which included an insightful conference and a grand evening reception, brought together industry leaders, members, and supporters to honour achievements and set the stage for future advancements.

The conference started with a welcome by Monica Kohli, President of WISTA UK, followed by a welcome address by His Excellency Arsenio Dominguez, Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

The first session, "Nurturing Diverse Voices in Maritime Media," focused on the role of media in helping women elevate their profiles. Discussions emphasised the importance of representation, including stories from all backgrounds, such as women, trans, and non-binary individuals. Panellists also explored women's challenges in the industry, particularly the fear of failure and stepping out of their comfort zones. They also highlighted the need to overcome these fears for personal and professional growth.

The second session, "ESG, to or not to be?" thoroughly examined the current state of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices. The debate underscored the business sense behind ESG initiatives and the necessity for companies to report their progress to identify areas for improvement and demonstrate their advancements. The panel concluded that it doesn't matter whether we call it ESG or not; doing things right is the only way forward.

A presentation on decarbonisation by IMO and BP followed, offering a state-of-the-industry overview.

The third session, "Navigating Alternative Fuel Options for Decarbonisation Risks and Hazards – What's the Fuel?" this discussion highlighted future fuels and the industry's decarbonisation amidst evolving regulations like the EU ETS and FuelEU. The panel emphasised the need for accurate data and proactive planning in shipping's digitalisation. It concluded with a call for the IMO to provide global regulations on ESG, fuel standards, and reporting requirements.

The conference concluded with a closing address from Guy Platten, Secretary General of the International Chamber of Shipping. He congratulated WISTA UK on their significant work in promoting maritime diversity. He discussed the ICS's efforts to bring more women into seafaring roles, especially given the predicted shortage of 90,000 seafarers.

At the evening reception, Monica Kohli reflected on WISTA UK's journey and milestones: "From our numerous successful events and mentoring programmes to our new focus on establishing regional events across the UK, we continue to expand our reach. This year, we will join the Women in Transport mentoring programme, which is set to formally launch in September. Additionally, we are actively seeking recruits and funding for our cadet sponsorship initiatives."

A key highlight of the evening was the IMO Secretary General's pledge not to participate in all-male panels, emphasising the importance of gender diversity. "Enhancing the role of women in everything that we do is essential. With continued support of all allies and the media, we can achieve even greater progress together."

WISTA UK's Man and Women of the Year Awards

The evening also celebrated the recipients of the prestigious WISTA UK's Women and Man of the Year awards. Nusrat Ghani was honoured as 'Woman of the Year' for her significant contributions to promoting diversity and inclusion in the maritime sector. Guy Platten received the 'Man of the Year' award, recognising his efforts to support and advocate for gender equality within the industry. Additionally, Katy Ware, the Director of Maritime Safety & Standards and Permanent Representative of the UK to the IMO, received a Special Commendation for her impactful work.

Monica Kohli expressed her gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of the event: "Thank you to Gina Panayiotou LLB, LLM, CBA, MBA, Nicola Porter, Jucilla Walters MSc, BA Hons, Sue Terpilowski OBE, Emily Dove, and everyone who attended and worked behind the scenes to make this conference and celebratory evening unforgettable."

As WISTA UK celebrates this milestone, the organisation remains committed to fostering an inclusive environment and championing the contributions of women in maritime. The progress made over the past 50 years serves as a testament to the collective efforts of its members and supporters, and the organisation looks forward to continuing its mission in the years to come.

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