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Kamala called ‘most vile anti-Catholic threat of any leading candidate for president in American history’


(Photo by Joseph Barrientos on Unsplash)'She is a candidate of the hard left. And her record and her words demonstrate a gross bias and bigotry'

(Photo by Joseph Barrientos on Unsplash)
(Photo by Joseph Barrientos on Unsplash)
St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City

Under the administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Americans of faith often have fared poorly. The leftists have tried to force doctors who oppose abortion to perform those grisly procedures, and company owners who oppose abortion to pay for them.

They have demanded, under the guise of civil rights, endorsement of the radical and injurious transgender ideology.

The Christian Post reported the FBI under Biden and Harris targeted traditional Catholics and Congress found the administration breached “religious freedom.”

In fact, the FBI had claimed, wildly, that “radical-traditionalist Catholics” were a national security threat.

Now a faith organization of Catholics is warning Harris, the presumptive Democrat nominee for president, is one of the most anti-Catholic politicians ever.

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And CatholicVote.org has launched a campaign in heavily Catholic swing states to warn about her ideologies.

The organization’s chief, Brian Burch, in an interview with Fox, explained, “Kamala Harris represents the most vile anti-Catholic threat of any leading candidate for president in American history. She is a candidate of the hard left. And her record and her words demonstrate a gross anti-Catholic bias and bigotry.”

That’s significant because since at least 2000, Catholics have been with the victor in every presidential election but one.

They backed George W. Buish in 2000 and 2004, and Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.

They went for President Donald Trump 52%-44% in 2016. In 2020 it was a literal tie with 49% of the Catholic vote for Biden and 50% for Trump.

Biden long has claimed to be Catholic, but openly and proudly violates some of the church’s basic teachings, including those on abortion.

A spokesman for Harris, James Singer, claimed, “Vice President Harris is proud to serve with the second Catholic president ever. Catholic voters are not defined by a single partisan organization, but by their values, communities, faith in each other, and love of our country — and Kamala Harris will fight every day to earn their vote.”

Burch explained though, that Harris’ opposition to and ridicule of Catholic beliefs dates back years.

It was in 2018 that Harris “vilified” the judicial nomination of Brian Buescher, a member of the Catholic group Knights of Columbus, for his membership.

At the time, she lashed out at KOC as an “all-male” group that opposes “a woman’s right to choose.”

The report noted, “The Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 by Fr. Michael McGivney to be a ‘mission of charity,’ to help widows, orphans and the less fortunate.”

And when Harris was attorney general in California, she got a law passed demanding that pro-life pregnancy centers  “promote” abortion, a scheme that later was declared unconstitutional.

Burch, in a message to supporters, said, “Harris shamelessly used Buescher’s membership in the world’s largest charitable organization to suggest that espousing Catholic teachings on abortion and same-sex ‘marriage’ disqualifies an individual from serving in public office.”

Burch also cited Harris’ perfect score from abortion industry giant Planned Parenthood, an organization that violates Catholic church teachings with just about every one of its policies.

The report noted Mathew Schmalz, of the College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts claimed Harris wasn’t really “anti-Catholic.”

She was just “articulating a different kind of political vision than, say, conservative Catholics would be comfortable with.”

The media has joined the campaign to vilify Catholics when they discuss their faith, and it doesn’t agree with the liberal bent.

“When Kansas City Chief’s kicker Harrison Butker expressed his traditional Catholic beliefs about gender, women and life, in a commencement speech last May at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, the mainstream media pounced — calling his remarks controversial, anti-women and anti-LGBTQ,” the report said.

And when President Donald Trump picked Ohio Sen. JD Vance as his vice-presidential candidate, media voices called him a “firebrand” Catholic racist.

Burch said CatholicVote’s campaign will address voters in Arizona, Nevada, Michigan and Pennsylvania – all critical components of the 2024 vote.

He said, “Obviously, many of them are Democrats. Many of them are Republicans. But the key segment here is going to be those Catholic voters in the middle, those voters who maybe were Democrat by tradition or family who have been disenchanted with the party and now have moved to the middle — or some of them, of course, are moving to the right with Trump.”

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