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Today Show host Joy Bauer’s summer entertaining tips save money – and make ‘massive’ burgers & Caesar salad healthier

SUMMER entertaining can be even more fun when sticking to some frugal tips, according to Today Show host Joy Bauer.

The health and nutrition expert’s budget-friendly barbeque tricks and decorative designs on a dime will save you time and money.

Joy Bauer Ventures
Joy Bauer, The Today Show’s expert on all things health and nutrition, has shared her easy tricks for hosting a money-saving soiree this summer[/caption]
The bestselling author demonstrates some of her tasty tips on-air with fellow Today Show hosts Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager[/caption]


Bauer shared just how to get the most bang for your burger buck with The U.S. Sun.

“Instead of straight burgers, you can take ground turkey meat, or any meat of your choosing, put all your seasonings in, take a bag of baby spinach leaves, and chop them up really fine,” she said.

“You work it right in with the meat and it poofs the volume so you get these big, massive burgers,” she continued.

You’ll also be getting more nutritional value, as she explained how spinach offers a boost of vitamin C, fiber, and plenty of antioxidants.

For extra flavor, the certified nutritionist recommends adding soy sauce, garlic, onion, and Worcester sauce.


She also has tasty tips for elevating a classic grilled chicken Caesar salad.

For even bigger savings, make sure to buy in bulk.

“If you go to a Costco or Sam’s Club you’ll get more romaine hearts in a bag,” she said.

“You want to keep the ends intact so that they stay together. I slice each one down the center, and you just lay them out on the baking sheet and mist them with some olive oil spray, she continued.

“I add some salt and pepper and grill them so they’re charred — they’re insanely delicious and each person gets one to two of those.”

For faster cooking, she makes sure to grill the chicken at the same time.


Another pro party tip includes some healthy substitutions.

“Instead of carb-loaded croutons, I use toasted chopped pecans or walnuts to get that crunch,” she said.

“I make a Caesar dressing out of avocados. It’s so good your guests won’t even know it’s not Caesar dressing except for the fact that it’s green.”

Bauer also always bets on her buffalo chicken slaw to be the savory and money-saving star of any party.

Her flavorful frozen dessert treats and drink tips will be the hit of any hot summer party
Joy Bauer Ventures

“I get budget-friendly rotisserie chickens — I peel off the skin and shred everything with my fingers, then add scallions and hot sauce, she said.

Her “velvety” orange buffalo sauce includes cottage cheese, lemon juice, and spices, along with some pre-shredded coleslaw.


Upgrading your outdoor space with some easy and affordable methods can also turn you into the Martha Stewart of any summer soiree.

“You can pick up outdoor dispensers which make a beautiful spa water when you pack it with sliced cucumbers and lemons and limes, as well as floating strawberries,” she said.

“Those things won’t fit through the dispenser but will look so pretty, and as you keep refining the water, you get all the colors.”

Some of her budget-friendly recipes include adding spinach to your burgers to make them even bigger – and healthier[/caption]

She also suggested using basil, mint, or dill to give the impression that you are a “gourmet” who has spent hours planning everything out.

“It’s a last-minute throw-together you can count on,” she said.

Being prepared for your next party means having plastic pitchers or vases ready to go, according to Bauer.

Rather than battling potentially messy glass-breaking mishaps, she said plastic items are ideal to have on hand in case people bring flowers over.

“It’s great as a host to show them you are taking advantage of their flowers by cutting them and putting them out there right away,” she said.


For extra grilling goodness without the unhealthy compounds, she suggests using an olive-oil-based marinade or dry rub.

“The marinade acts as a protector and you can just do that for 15 to 30 minutes before you throw it on the grill,” she said.

“It plays double duty — it gives that much elevation and flavor and it’s going to make your things that much healthier,” she continued.

Choosing leaner cuts as well as smaller pieces of meat, and trimming down fat also means less concern about harmful risks associated with grilling.

“When fat hits the heat and flairs up, there is a surge of compounds, so the goal is to reduce grill time.

Skinless chicken thighs and breasts are another healthy option.

To get more bang for your buck, Bauer recommends buying some ingredients and festive decor in bulk

If you really want to keep up with Bauer, make some kabobs – you’ll reduce the “bad stuff” while introducing veggies to the mix.

She especially recommends her ratatouille kabobs which she makes by pouring marinara sauce over her meat of choice after they are caramelized from coming off the grill.

Even picky eaters can be fooled by her grilled mushroom caps which she turns into portabella pizzas.

She also thinks one food item doesn’t get as much love as it should – corn.

“It has tons of antioxidants and a corn on the cob is so easy to make,” she said.


She also has some easy ways to satisfy your summer cravings without the carbs – and without sacrificing taste.

With her peach pecan coleslaw, she skips the mayonnaise for some peach-flavored non-fat Greek yogurt for “pops” of juicy, naturally sweet peaches throughout.

Her easy ingredient substations are meant to save you time and money[/caption]

Bauer’s Thai coleslaw is composed of shelled edamame – rich in fiber and omega three fats – as well as “the easiest” DIY peanut sauce ever.

For her mango cashew coleslaw, chop ripe mangoes or get frozen mango chunks.

Her pesto macaroni salad utilizes basil, an abundant summer staple, while her sweet potato and carrot potato salad cuts carbs by incorporating carrots instead of white potatoes.

“It has the same creamy sweet flavoring and orange color,” she said.

“You won’t even miss the extra potato.”

If you want to copy her grilled peach caprese burger, just layer any veggie or meat of your choice with grilled peaches, fresh basil, mozzarella cheese, and a balsamic glaze.

If you grow any mint or basil and need to find something to do with them, simply make a Mediterranean quinoa salad with pistachio, parmesan, and as many summer herbs as you can grow.

Bauer is also getting ready to launch her own line of multivitamins for the 50-plus crowd as well as no-sugar-added muffins under her Joyly brand.

“They’re super moist and taste just like the delicious comfort food we crave but are packed with protein and have no added sugar, just some monkfish,” she said.

Joy Bauer Ventures
Bauer’s kid-friendly options will add some extra summer fun to your next pool party[/caption]

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