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Inside the remote ‘alien island’ cut off for millennia with the world’s WEIRDEST landscape covered in ‘Dragon Blood’

A REMOTE island in the Indian Ocean which was cut off from the rest of the mainland boats the weirdest landscape in the world.

Dotted with rare flora and fauna, red dirt and white sandy beaches, Socotra Island is just 155 miles off the Arabian Peninsula, and part of the Republic of Yemen.

The landscape of Socotra Island is dotted with Dragon Blood trees[/caption]
The island is home to rare species of plants which can found on the island[/caption]
Crab can be seen coming out of the water in Shuab bay in Socotra Island[/caption]

Socotra, dubbed the ‘most alien-looking place on earth’, has been separated from the mainland for between six and seven million years.

It was once part of the super continent called Gondwana land.

Famed for it’s weird landscape, the island is home to more than 800 rare species of fauna and flora, including the the strange umbrella shaped Dragon Blood tree rumoured to have healing powers.

The upturned, umbrella shaped tree with blood-like red sap is considered the national tree of Yemen and can only be found on the island.

According to legends, Dragon Blood resin was rubbed in by gladiators before combat to speed up the healing of their wounds.

Local inhabitants on Socotra Island also used the dragon’s blood resin as a cure-all.

The unique landscape is in part thanks to its semi-desert climate, with average temperatures of 25 degrees and light yearly rainfall.

The island’s unique biodiversity also extends to its reptile species.

In fact, 90 per cent of its reptile species and 95 per cent of its land snail species do not occur anywhere else in the world, while 37 per cent of its plant species are only found on the island.

The weird landscape, plants and animals aren’t the only thing Socotra is known for.

Since ancient times Socotra has been world renowned for its aromatic incense, amber, musk, aloe plants and pearls.

According to legends, Dragon Blood resin was rubbed in by gladiators before combat to speed up the healing of their wounds.

While the origin of the word Socotra remains a mystery, it is believe that it comes from the Sanskrit term ‘dvipa sukhadhara’ literally translating to ‘the island of bliss’.

Meanwhile, another possible origin for the name comes from the Arabic ‘souk’ meaning market and ‘qotra’ meaning drop referring to the dripping frankincense.

Historically, the island was cut off from the rest of the world during monsoon season between June and September.

However, it is now possible to reach the island year-round due to air travel.

It is estimated that more than 50 ,000 to 60,000 people live on the island, which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008.

Anyone who wishes to visit might find it difficult, with air travel limited to the island.

Due to Yemen’s civil war, the UK Foreign office advises against all but essential travel to the country.

The native species on Socotra

Dragon’s Blood Tree – the national tree of Yemen can only be found in the mountains of Socotra. It is named after the crimson sap that farmers tap to sell in markets, as both a medicinal balm and as lipstick.

Socotran Desert Rose – the extraordinary-looking plant is sometimes called ‘the bottle tree’ due to its odd shape. Its trunk can grow up to 2.5 metres in diameter and in spring it produces pink flowers.

The Socotra Bunting, the small bird can be found on the high grassy pastures of the Diksam Plateau and is one of nearly a dozen of the island’s bird species that exist nowhere else in the world. It is on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of vulnerable species.

The Cucumber Tree is native to Socotra. It has a bulbous trunk and a small crown. It produces yellow flowers and fruits are green, turning brick red when ripe.

It is estimated that more than 50 ,000 to 60,000 people live on the island, which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008.[/caption]
Interlacing of Dragon Tree branches. upward view[/caption]
The island is 155 miles off the Arabian Peninsular[/caption]
The red mountains is in contrast to the white beaches found in the island.[/caption]

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