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Pro-Hamas Group at New York University Promotes ‘Armed Struggle’ in New Statement

Illustrative: New York University students stage a protest in Washington Square Park in Manhattan to oppose Israel and call for a ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and Hamas on Oct. 25, 2023. Photo: Gordon Donovan/NurPhoto via Reuters Connect

A pro-Hamas student group operating at New York University has reiterated its support for political violence and terrorism after being censured by the school, heightening concerns that the new academic year will see escalations of extremist activity on the campus.

“Decolonization and abolition are not metaphors. We uphold the right of any oppressed people to resist their oppression, by any means necessary,” the group, which calls itself NYU People’s Solidarity Coalition (NYU PSC), said in a “Statement of Intention.” “Resistance takes many forms, including armed struggle … As members of the NYU PSC, we will not condemn the brave actions of our allies nor will we limit ourselves to resistance through organizational means.”

Upon learning of the statement, long-time New York University spokesman John Beckman denounced political violence and implored the group remove its statement from social media.

“This university has zero tolerance for the use of violence, and is shocked that any members of our campus community would endorse ‘armed struggle’ as a ‘tactic,'” Beckman said. “We call upon the People’s Solidarity Coalition to immediately retract their statement and repudiate it, as well as related conduct such as vandalism, destruction of property, and threats and intimidation.”

He added, “Just to be crystal clear: NYU will respond to any threat or use of violence swiftly, decisively, and severely. Any violence will result in the immediate involvement of law enforcement as well as university disciplinary processes up to an including expulsion or dismissal.”

NYU PSC reportedly heeded Beckman’s counsel but then rejected it, reposting the statement in its entirety, according to American Council of Trustees (ACTA) researcher Steve McGuire.

Pro-Hamas student groups on college campuses have been proclaiming support for violence against Israel — and in some cases against Jews — since they began staging anti-Zionist demonstrations after Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre across southern Israel.

In May, a Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter at Columbia University endorsed Hamas, heralding the terrorist group as “the only force materially fighting back against” Israel. And then just weeks ago, Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine (HOOP) called its actions on campus an “intifada” and vowed to pick up next academic year where it left off the last — roiling the campus with illegal occupations of school property and harassing Jewish students who support Israel.

Earlier this month, a coalition of anti-Zionist groups at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee issued an open threat against pro-Israel Jewish students and organizations, promising to treat them as “extremist criminals.”

“We will no longer normalize genocidal extremists walking on our campus,” the group, which calls itself UWM Popular University for Palestine, posted on Instagram. “Any organization or entity that supports Israel is not welcome at UWM. This includes the local extremist groups such as Hillel, Jewish Federation, etc.”

Reiterating its first point, the group continued, “We refuse to normalize extremists and extremist groups walking around our campus. We are watching Israel’s legitimacy and international recognition fall to pieces on the world stage. Any organization that has not separated themselves from Israel will be treated accordingly as extremist criminals. Stay tuned.”

Follow Dion J. Pierre @DionJPierre.

The post Pro-Hamas Group at New York University Promotes ‘Armed Struggle’ in New Statement first appeared on Algemeiner.com.

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