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IMEX America responds to what’s hot, latest must-knows and industry’s biggest stressors

The team behind IMEX America has revealed how the show, taking place October 8–10 at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, is set to respond to shifts in the business events sector, in which rising costs, resource limitations and a fast-changing geopolitical landscape are all at play.

Show floor mirrors a strengthening marketplace

IMEX Frankfurt demonstrated first-hand how the sector is maturing and growing with new destinations and venues now opening. This pattern is continuing into IMEX America which is seeing particular growth across the Caribbean (12 per cent) and North America (13 per cent), compared to the same period last year.

Detroit, Dominican Republic, Philadelphia, Miami and Vancouver are among the destinations increasing their presence at the show; China, Guatemala and Saint Lucia are some of the new names to look out for.

In addition–and in line with current industry research–representation from the incentive sector has also increased significantly. Incentive suppliers at the show have increased by 30 per cent so far compared to same time last year, an uptick predicted by a recent SITE report which forecast growth through 2024 and into 2025.

Connections front and center at IMEX America.

Personalized tech coaching

With event apps, AV and live streaming among the most widely-used technology for event professionals (according to the Event Tech Insight Report) , it’s essential to understand the distinct uses of event technologies and, crucially, how getting the event tech stack right can save planners time and minimize risk.

A new Tech Zone, designed to respond to this need, is where suppliers will deliver a series of “show and tells”, explaining recent examples of their technology in use, alongside one-to-one tech coaching clinics from industry experts.

Technology is one of seven learning tracks at the show with sessions dedicated to AI, data and future innovations. Other tracks collectively covering 150+ learning sessions are: Business Practices, Impact, Trends/Research, Well-being, Experience Design and the increasingly popular and important Event Marketing.

With many organizations looking for unique and engaging ways to promote their brand, product or service, IMEX America features a number of immersive activations designed to inspire and spark joy. These include: a glitzy Mirror Box, sponsored by Toronto; a large-scale paint by numbers where attendees can pick up a paint brush and contribute to a giant mural; and a Resilience Room, curated by Google Xi, which offers a peaceful space to rest and recharge. Attendees should also keep a look out for a poet and a rapper roaming the show floor.

IMEX CEO, Carina Bauer, says: “We know people invest time and resources to attend our events, so each year we take a fresh look at the show experience to ensure it continues to deliver maximum value. This means looking at global market shifts and responding accordingly with offerings to meet the new needs of buyers from across business sectors and the challenges they’re encountering.

“It also means designing the show to put connections front and center–from business meetings and learning sessions to compelling activations and even serendipitous conversations over lunch. We know that face-to-face events are where some of the most significant and valuable business conversations take place, so we carefully craft IMEX America to facilitate that.”

IMEX America takes place October 8 – 10 at Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas and includes Smart Monday, a preshow education day, powered by Meeting Professionals International (MPI) on October 7.

The article IMEX America responds to what’s hot, latest must-knows and industry’s biggest stressors first appeared in TravelDailyNews International.

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