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NASA Embraces Streaming Service to Reach, Inspire Artemis Generation

As part of its ongoing web and television modernization efforts, NASA is shifting its digital focus to its on-demand streaming service, NASA+, which has already gained four times more viewership than the agency’s traditional cable channel. To streamline how it brings the latest aeronautics, human spaceflight, science, and technology news to the universe, the agency also is preparing to phase out NASA Television, its over-the-air broadcast, in late August.

Through NASA+, the agency is continuing its decades long tradition of sharing live events, original content, and the latest news while NASA works to improve life on Earth through innovation, exploration, and discovery for the benefit of all.

The free, on-demand streaming service is available to download without a subscription on most major platforms via the NASA App on iOS and Android mobile and tablet devices, as well as streaming media players like Roku, Apple TV, and Fire TV. Users also may stream online at:


“In a universe where the way we consume information is rapidly changing, NASA+ is helping us inspire and connect with our current generation of explorers: the Artemis Generation,” said Marc Etkind, associate administrator, Office of Communications at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “Through NASA+, we are enhancing the user experience for our audiences in a way that reflects our commitment to reaching new heights, both in space exploration and in media.”

Get Ready to Explore: New NASA+ Content Coming Soon

NASA+ is set to release new content, including a lineup of new documentaries and behind-the-scenes footage of NASA missions and live events, including:    

  • “Planetary Defenders”– NASA’s documentary that delves into the high-stakes world of asteroid detection and planetary defense all for the benefit of humanity. 
  • “Our Alien Earth” – This series follows the field work taking place in extreme environments over the world by NASA scientists; work that directly informs NASA missions to discover extraterrestrial life in the universe.
  • “An Ocean in Bloom” – A documentary about a NASA satellite that sheds light on a coastal Floridian community’s battle with souring ocean waters that threaten the town’s fishing industries.

In addition, audiences can prepare to see their fan favorites return for more adventures in new series episodes, including:

  • “Other Worlds” Episode 3 – A new addition to NASA’s award-winning series that follows scientists behind the scenes as they uncover new images from the agency’s James Webb Space Telescope. 
  • “The Color of Space” Episode 3 – Follow the personal stories of current and former Black astronauts, each selected to become part of NASA’s astronaut corps and train for space missions.
  • “Space Out” Season 2 – Turn on, tune in, and space out to relaxing music and stunning ultra-high-definition visuals of our cosmic neighborhood.

The streaming platform also includes live event coverage, where people everywhere can watch in real-time as the agency launches science experiments and astronauts to space, and ultimately, the first woman and person of color to the Moon under the Artemis campaign.

The transition from cable TV to streaming is part of a larger effort to ensure NASA’s content is more accessible, discoverable, and secure for the public. Last year, in addition to NASA+, the agency launched its revamped nasa.gov and science.nasa.gov websites, creating a new homebase for research, climate data, Artemis information, and more.

To keep up with the latest news from NASA and learn more about the agency, visit:


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