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Kamala’s Own Jeremiah Wright? Harris’s Pastor, Who She Has Repeatedly Praised, Blamed America for 9/11 and Supports Slave Reparations

Credit: Fox News

Kamala Harris has a Jeremiah Wright-type problem as she is about to become the Democratic Nominee for President.

As Fox News reported, her pastor, Rev. Amos Brown of Third Baptist Church in San Francisco, is on record as blaming the United States of America for the 9/11 attacks and supports slave reparations.

Just days after radical Islamist terrorists attacked our nation, Rev. Brown used a Day of Remembrance event to say it was all America’s fault.

“America, America, what did you do – either intentionally or unintentionally – in the world order, in Central America, in Africa where bombs are still blasting?” Brown asked.

“America, what did you do in the global warming conference when you did not embrace the smaller nations?” he continued. “America, what did you do two weeks ago when I stood at the world conference on racism, when you wouldn’t show up?”

His sick remarks sparked outrage and even angered Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who criticized him afterward.

“The act of terrorism on Sept. 11 put those people outside the order of civilized behavior, and we will not take responsibility for that,” Pelosi stated.

These disgusting comments bring to mind what Barack Obama’s former pastor Jeremiah Wright of Trinity United Church of Christ, who infamously bellowed “God D*mn America,” said about the United States in a sermon five days after the worst attack in American history.

“We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye,” Rev. Wright told his congregation.

“We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America’s chickens are coming home to roost,” he continued.

In addition to Brown’s 9/11 comments, Breitbart revealed that he served as a vice chair of California’s Reparations Task Force.

Below is his biography highlighting his “expertise” from the Reparations Task Force website:

Credit: Office of the California Attorney General https://oag.ca.gov/ab3121/members/bios

The final report stated that “160 years after the abolition of slavery, its badges and lingering negative effects of the incidents remain embedded in the political, legal, health, institution of slavery on descendants financial, educational, cultural, environmental, social, and of persons enslaved in the United economic systems of the United States of America.”

The report went on to claim “this system of white supremacy is a badge of slavery and continues to be embedded today in numerous American and Californian legal and social systems,” and urged California to create a “state reparations statute or program.”

Despite Brown’s past comments and radical views, Fox News notes Harris has lavished her pastor with praise on multiple occasions.

“I just want to, if you don’t mind for a moment, take a moment of personal privilege to talk about Dr. Brown. He has been on this journey with me every step of the way, from when I first thought about running for public office almost two decades ago,” Harris said during the 2022 NAACP National Convention. “And he has been such a voice of leadership, more leadership, and leadership in our nation. And so I want to thank you, Dr. Brown, for all that you are – all that you are.”

Harris’s gushing over her pastor continued at the annual session of the National Baptist Convention, USA in 2022.

“For two decades now, at least, I have turned to you,” Harris stated. “I have turned to him. And I will say that your wisdom has really guided me and grounded me during some of the most difficult times. And – and you have been a source of inspiration to me always. So thank you, Rev. Brown, for being all that you are.”

Harris even posted a photo of her with Rev. Brown on Instagram last year, bragging about what an “honor” it was to spend time with him and that he will “always” remain an inspiration to her.

“It is always an honor to spend time with my pastor, Rev. Dr. Amos Brown of the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco,” she wrote. “He remains a source of inspiration to me always.”

Whether this disturbing revelation will become a potential headache for Harris remains to be seen.

The post Kamala’s Own Jeremiah Wright? Harris’s Pastor, Who She Has Repeatedly Praised, Blamed America for 9/11 and Supports Slave Reparations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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