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MLS' new Inter Miami stadium won't be ready for Messi in 2025

Inter Miami’s plans to open a new stadium with Lionel Messi in the team are unlikely to happen in 2025, according to a stadium construction expert. Team executives had big plans for the 25,000-seat Miami Freedom Park. In 2023, Inter Miami Managing Owner Jorge Mas said, “I can’t wait to welcome our fans to our […]

Inter Miami’s plans to open a new stadium with Lionel Messi in the team are unlikely to happen in 2025, according to a stadium construction expert. 

Team executives had big plans for the 25,000-seat Miami Freedom Park. In 2023, Inter Miami Managing Owner Jorge Mas said, “I can’t wait to welcome our fans to our state-of-the-art stadium and hear the chants as Messi and your Inter Miami players take the pitch for the first time in 2025.” However, despite Mas’ promise to fast-track the project, construction crews are still working on clearing the land, and none of the building of the stadium structure has started.

Messi’s contract with Inter Miami expires at the end of 2025.

Progress of work is slow

After reviewing the progress made to date, stadium expert Denys Schwartz, who worked on the Maracana Stadium project, said, “Based on previous experience, I believe it might take from 24 to 30 months to reach project completion if the construction progress is accelerated.

“The progress of works appears to be slow and it is worth noting that there are significant construction risks associated with structure erection and all finishes required in a project like this, which are yet to occur.”

Schwartz is a civil engineer with over 15 years of experience in major infrastructure projects worldwide, including those related to the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. 

Several deadlines missed

The building of Miami Freedom Park has already missed several deadlines. Initial plans for the new Miami stadium were revealed in July 2018. Thereafter, co-owner David Beckham and Mas said that the stadium would open in 2022. However, it wasn’t until August 2023 that the club broke ground on the former Melreese Country Golf Club. Since then, work has progressed at a slow pace. But good news at least appears to be on the horizon.

“It appears that at least 24 months would be required to complete the stadium, assuming everything proceeds smoothly and the construction team is adequately dimensioned,” said Schwartz, who also manages a website in the construction space, constructionfront.com. “It appears that earthworks are nearing completion, with piling and foundation works currently underway.”

It’s not just stadium experts who are warning about delays. Several Inter Miami sales representatives have informed season ticket holders that the team will play one more year at Chase Stadium. They said the club plans to move into the new stadium in 2026.

Inter Miami’s current home at Chase Stadium was meant to be used on an interim basis for seasons 2020 through 2021. Three seasons later, and Miami Freedom Park is nowhere close to being done. 

New Inter Miami stadium and club are counting on Messi

It’s typical for stadium construction to encounter delays. What’s different, however, is that the opening of Miami Freedom Park is being built with the promise of Messi gracing the field as a player. With the Argentine star’s 2.5-year contract ending at the close of 2025, Inter Miami must find a way to extend Messi’s contract for one more year. At the end of the day, Messi will make the final decision.

Nevertheless, Messi’s time at Inter Miami has caused the stadium plans for Miami Freedom Park to change. The stadium plans have been changed to include almost an entire side of the field to be used for premium seats. In a survey to Inter Miami fans, suggested pricing for these sections ranged $6,400 to $23,150 each, which includes a season ticket plus access to the club lounge as well as food and beverage.

Located near Miami International Airport, the 131-acre Miami Freedom Park will include a 58-acre public park, as well as office spaces and an entertainment district plus hotel.

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