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NATO Turkey Threatens to Enter Israel in Support of Palestinians (Karabakh and Christians)

NATO Turkey Threatens to Enter Israel in Support of Palestinians (Karabakh and Christians)

Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey threatens to enter Israel in support of Palestinians. Hence, Erdoğan touted the role of NATO Turkey helping Azerbaijan to cleanse and kill ethnic Christian Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh – and the role of Turkey in Libya.

Erdoğan menacingly said, “We must be very strong so that Israel can’t do these ridiculous things to Palestine. Just like we entered Karabakh, just like we entered Libya, we might do similar to them.”

Erdoğan continued, “There is no reason why we cannot do this … We must be strong so that we can take these steps.”

Ironically, NATO Turkey continues to occupy North Cyprus and parts of North Syria – while utilizing North Iraq to fight against the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party). Christians in North Cyprus – similar to the recently cleansed Armenian Christians of Nagorno-Karabakh – are expendable to NATO. Therefore, Turkey understands that NATO isn’t concerned about democracy, human rights, and occupying foreign lands permanently (North Cyprus).

In the past, Erdoğan declared that Turkey would “continue to stand by Hamas, which fights for the independence of its own land.”

In 2023, when Armenian Christians were being cleansed and killed by Muslim Azerbaijan, NATO Turkey planned on the economic, geopolitical, and military benefits of pan-Turkism and de-Christianization. Accordingly, the historical legacy of ancient Christianity in Nagorno-Karabakh faces the fate of Nakhchivan (Nakhichevan) – and the legacy of the 1915 Armenian Genocide at the hands of the Turks.

The brutal legacy of Muslim Turks in history concerning the Armenians – and other regional Christians, including the Assyrians and Pontic Greeks – is pogroms, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and the dismantling of ancient Christianity (ancient Churches converted to mosques or destroyed along with dismantling architecture and the traces of indigenous Christianity).

The Guardian reports (Nakhchivan), “Local researcher Argam Ayvazyan, now exiled in Armenia, photographed 89 Armenian churches, 5,840 khachkars, and 22,000 tombstones between 1964 and 1987 – which the report states have all disappeared.”

In the past, President Emmanuel Macron of France said, “When I look at Turkey, they are fighting against those who fought with us, shoulder to shoulder, against ISIS’’

Macron continued, “And sometimes they work with ISIS forces…any ambiguity with Turkey vis-à-vis these groups is detrimental to everybody for the situation on the ground.”

Macron also condemned the role of Turkey against the Armenian Christians of Nagorno-Karabakh.

He said, “We now have information which indicates that Syrian fighters from jihadist groups have (transited) through Gaziantep (southeastern Turkey) to reach the Nagorno-Karabakh theatre of operations.”

NATO turned a blind eye to the cleansing of Christians in North Cyprus by Turkey – to the cleansing of Armenian Christians in Nagorno-Karabakh in 2023 by Azerbaijan (backed politically by Turkey). However, NATO Turkey will overstretch itself if it becomes adventurous toward Israel.

Also, even passive NATO is unlikely to tolerate a wider war concerning a fellow member (Turkey) against Israel.

The Turks entered Europe from Asia and enslaved various European Christian ethnic groups for centuries – along with enslaving black African ethnic groups and others.

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