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Daniel Berger among 5 of the most unstylish PGA Tour golfers at the 3M Open

Photo by David Berding/Getty Images

The 3M Open saw more terrible outfits than trendy ones, with Berger among the five worst-dressed players of the week.

Last week, the PGA Tour was in Blaine, Minnesota, for the 3M Open. While the golf was good, the fashion was not.

We usually do a best-dressed article each week, but there were not many options for the 3M Open. There were far more unstylish moments than stylish ones.

However, Tony Finau was among the best-dressed, so I wanted to mention that here and give the big guy some love. That yellow looked great on his skin tone, and the vest was cool.

Before we get into the most unstylish golfers of the week, I wanted to remind the readers that golf fashion is subjective. No answer is correct; it is all about the person's perspective.

These five were hand-picked by me, the Playing Through golf fashion expert.

The ratings are for the overall week, not just the outfit highlighted, so keep that in mind.

Let’s get into The 3M Open’s five worst-dressed players.

5 Most Unstylish Golfers at the 3M Open

5. Daniel Berger

Photo by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images

Daniel Berger is the latest victim of an Adidas pattern.

This one was not as terrible as some of the others I saw, but pairing it with a gray belt and pants made it even more boring. The former Flordia State golfer caps it off with a gray hat; honestly, all I see is that stale color.

Adidas made a grandmother's tablecloth or couch into a pattern. I do not hate that shade of blue, but with the gray, it is ugly. Pairing it with burgundy pants would have been a trendy look. I probably would not hate the pattern as much if he did something different with it.

Berger blended in with the worst dressed, but this look has more promise than the rest.

Rating: 4/10

4. Matti Schmid

Photo by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images

I will continue to put this ugly Puma polo on the worst-dressed list until they stop forcing players to wear it. We all love Christmas in July, but this shirt is unattractive. Honestly, there is no other way to describe it.

The polo's colors clash. Matti Schmid’s gray pants with a black belt just make the shirt worse. I do not hate that dark gray color, though, but I need to see him pair it with a different shirt.

This shirt should have never made it to market.

However, Schmid wore some clean looks on the other three days of play, so I will not hold it against him too much.

Rating: 3.5/10

3. Erik van Rooyen

Photo by David Berding/Getty Images

It pains me to put Erik van Rooyen on this list because he usually looks so classic in his Greyson Clothier ensembles, but this one from the practice rounds was horrendous.

The white socks with these shoes are not cute. The shorts are acceptable, but the shirt is too busy, especially with those black and white shoes. Maybe wear navy shoes or all white to let the polo be the moment.

Plus, the glitchy-tree polo he wore on Friday was just as bad. It looked like an 80s video game on a shirt, and while I love a good vintage moment, it flopped for me. Van Rooyen redeemed himself some on Thursday with his burgundy pants and navy top, but it was not enough to keep him off this list.

Rating: 3/10

2. Martin Laird

Photo by David Berding/Getty Images

Martin Laird brought the baby vomit yellow/green polo for the 3M Open. He wore this shade on a different polo, and neither worked. The black trim is too much for this shirt, and those black dots make it too busy. This shirt looks like it is from the early 2000s and should have stayed there.

These pants are not the right ones for this polo. Laird needs black pants or a deep navy to go with it.

This color has potential, but how Laird did it is all wrong.

Rating: 1/10

1. Alejandro Tosti

Photo by David Berding/Getty Images

Alejandro Tosti is the worst-dressed golfer of the week. This horrendous color combo is the first problem. The second one is the pattern and all its glory. There is only one way to describe it — television static. It does not compliment him at all.

I do like the blade collar on the polo, but for the most part, it is just plain ugly. The yellow-based khaki pants are outdated and should stay in 2010. The look would be more elevated and stylish if Tosti paired it with a different shade of khaki or black pants. However, I’m being really nice to suggest that because that shirt is one of the ugliest I have seen all season.

No matter how hard I try to fix it, I cannot — it is that ugly.

Adidas needs to take a good long look in the mirror and adjust its stylistic choices because they are not trendy or cute.

Rating: 0/10

There were many other ugly looks at the 3M Open, but these five stuck out the most. Who did I miss? Sound off in the comments below!

Savannah Leigh Richardson is a golf staff writer for SB Nation’s Playing Through. For more golf coverage, follow us @_PlayingThrough on all major social platforms. You can also follow her on Twitter @SportsGirlSL and Instagram @golf_girl_sl.

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